Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! -- Nov. 21-24, 2011

Fallon/Fernley, NV: A three-day weekend (Sunday through Tuesday)--what a treat! On Monday, we slept in. Bob did laundry. In the late afternoon, we went to Pizza Barn for Chicken BBQ pizza and beer. It was scrumptious. Bob took me out to Grimes Point Archeological Area east of Fallon where we did a 1/2 mile walk in freezing temperatures (with a biting wind) to look at petroglyphs. We went home and I fell sound asleep in the recliner. Bob couldn't wake me up. The two glasses of beer at the pizza parlor were mighty relaxing!

Tuesday we slept in again. Bob couldn't get the black tank to drain (oh no!). He called a local RV mechanic. The mechanic suggested we pour two bottles of waste digester and hot water into the tank, then drive around to loosen things up. (A laxative for our black tank...hahahaha.) We hooked up the trailer to the truck, secured possessions and went for a six-mile drive. Upon return to the RV park, Bob again tried to drain the black tank. No luck. (Double oh no!)

At this point, Bob called an RV service place in Reno. Their next appointment to work on our tank was in January 2012. (Triple oh no!). Strike one. A call placed to another RV service department resulted in an appointment next Tuesday to work on our tank. (Whew!) Luckily we are off on Tuesdays.

In the meantime, we are using the restrooms at the RV park. Unfortunately, this results in 3:00 am trips in the cold to use the potty. Must remember not to drink too much water in the evening! Last night, I made it through the night without the trek to the restroom.

Tuesday afternoon, Bob went for a long walk. I stayed in and read, then went out to buy organic eggs from a local family. They weren't home. When I got back to the trailer, still no Bob. He had been gone quite a while and it was getting cold. He had walked nine miles round trip to Soda Lake. He said the lake is gorgeous and had waterfowl, probably ducks and geese. There were more jackrabbits than cars out there. Seven jackrabbits to be exact. They had just finished drinking in the lake. 

Wednesday we were back to work. Another lady and I got trained in a new department. The ladies who trained us agreed that we did a great job. In fact, they told one of the upper managers about us and she came and told us she heard good things about us...we were energetic, good workers and got a lot done. Apparently the two people doing the job before us were goof offs. It made me feel good! Bob did extremely well at work today too, his numbers were at 186%! Wowee!

On the way home from work Wednesday, we stopped to try to get organic eggs, but they were out. We made an appointment to pick up a dozen eggs next Monday. It's getting pretty cold, so the hens have slowed down egg production. (I say it has gotten cold, but the temperature was 67 degrees Wednesday.)

Thanksgiving Day: 7:00 am to 2:30 pm were our work hours today. At 3:00 pm a group of ten work kampers went to Thanksgiving dinner at Pioneer Crossing Casino in Fernley for a sit-down, served meal. The food was so-so, but we had interesting conversation. Thank you, Bill and Jennette, for inviting us. We feel like part of the family.

At 5:15 pm, I called Mom's house and got to talk to my mom, my sister, my son, my brother and my sister's boyfriend. They had just finished eating and were cleaning up. Next they were going to play cards. 

Bob and I discussed what food we missed most from Thanksgiving with family. Hands down, it's my sister's Black Cherry Jell-o Salad. I also missed yams.

Black Cherry Salad

1    1 lb. can dark sweet pitted cherries
2    3 oz. packages of cherry gelatin
1    12 oz. can cold 7-Up
2 tsp. lemon juice
1    20 oz. can crushed pineapple, drained
3/4 c. chopped walnuts

Drain cherries, reserving juice; halve cherries, set aside. Add enough water to drained cherry juice to make one cup of liquid, bring to boil, dissolve gelatin in hot liquid. Take off heat.

Add 7-Up and lemon juice. Chill until almost set (about two hours). Add cherries, pineapple and nuts to gelatin. Mix gently.

Pour into 1-1/2 quart mold. Chill until set.

To unmold: Run hot water in sink. Dip mold in hot water up to gelatin line for 5-10 seconds. Remove promptly from hot water. (Note: do not leave mold in hot water for too long or salad will be watery.)

Place serving plate over mold. Hold plate tight to mold and flip them both over. The Cherry Salad should come right out onto the plate. Place salad in refrigerator until time to eat.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all. 

Travel Turkey out.

1 comment:

  1. Did you ever get the "black tank" thing corrected? When you describe the cold, the first thing I think of is something freezing in there.

    I can't remember when I last ate jell-o. The recipe sounds great though I would probably skip the walnuts.

    We kind of "opted out" of Thanksgiving this year, turns out it was a good strategy as N got a horrible cold. She's better now so we will catch up this Saturday as relatives stop in to help scarf up the leftovers.

    Stay warm, you guys.


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