Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year! - - Dec. 31, 2011

Sparks/Reno, NV: Slept in late. Bob went running for 2-1/2 hours. I made blueberry pancakes and fried eggs for brunch. 

We spent the day relaxing. I loaded up the Crockpot with carrots, onions, chicken, chicken broth and spices and set it to high. Then I made a big green salad with red pepper, avocado and cheese.

Bob took me to see "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo." When we got home from the movie, our dinner was done and we ate. "The Bourne Ultimatum" was on TV and we watched that. 

At 11:30 p.m. we headed into Reno to watch fireworks. We found a good place to park the car with a great view of downtown Reno from about four blocks away. Bob walked across the street to Walgreens and brought back chocolate for "dessert." The fireworks lasted 15 minutes; we were one block from the freeway on-ramp and beat the traffic out of Reno. 

Happy New Year! We'll see what 2012 brings our way.

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