Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Snow vs. Rain - Mon., Feb. 27, 2012

Sparks, NV:
At 6:00 a.m. Monday we woke up to about an inch of snow on the ground with snow falling. Snow fell throughout the day. At one point, I had about 3" of snow on top of my car; however the temperature was too warm for the snow to stick on the roads. 

Snow is fascinating. I love being indoors watching the snow fall. It's a peaceful feeling. The world outside gets so clean and white. There's a grandeur to it. 

If big, fluffy flakes are falling, it's fun to go outside to try to catch the flakes on my tongue or let them fall on a dark coat so I can see the beauty of each snowflake. 

Snow seems so useful for:
Recreation: Skiers, snowshoers, snowmobilers and snowboarders. 
Snow pack: A good, heavy snowpack melts to create reservoirs and fills lakes and rivers.

I confess I have not lived anywhere with heavy snowfall like Montana, Wisconsin, upstate New York, Alaska or Maine. Heavy snowfall poses its own challenges in the form of digging out, shoveling walks and driveways, and getting streets and interstates plowed.

Having grown up in Oregon, we had mostly rain in the winter. And not just rain--we had downpours with flooding at times. At other times we would have gloomy, grey skies for days on end with a fine, stinging rain that just irritated the senses. I got so tired of the rain. The continual grey skies were depressing.

On the bright side, I like what rain produces: gorgeous waterfalls, beautiful green forests filled with moss, rivers, streams and lakes and, in springtime, the most idyllic green farmlands and new growth on trees.

Snow vs. rain...I choose snow. How about you?

1 comment:

  1. We are expecting show on the valley floor this week. February will go out with a shiver.


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