Monday, February 6, 2012

SuperBowl Sunday -- Feb. 5, 2012

Verdi, NV:
Bob walked this morning and when he got home, we went to Costco to buy a contribution to the SuperBowl Party we had been invited to. We planned on taking pumpkin pie and whipped cream; however, the Costco store we went to did not stock pumpkin pie except at Thanksgiving and Christmas. Since we had already purchased the whipped cream, we decided on a raspberry-rhubarb crisp since the whipped cream would go well with it.

Our friends Scott and Carole asked us if we would like to go to their neighbor's house to watch the SuperBowl game. They also invited another couple (friends of theirs) to go too. We met at Scott & Carole's house for hors d'oeuvres so that we could meet their other friends, before we went to their neighbor's house. So far, my vertigo had not surfaced today; however after about 1/2 hour at Scott and Carole's, while I was standing up talking, everything started spinning. I immediately sat down, closed my eyes and didn't move. I was able to open my eyes and watch the pre-game show on TV, so I decided to continue on to the neighbor's house for the party.

Luckily, the episode passed after about 15 minutes and I ended up being fine. 

The party had excellent food. Carole made spicy chicken wings, Jan made chili, there was also a pasta salad, a veggie tray, two kinds of chips, crackers, guacamole, red pepper dips, ribs, chocolate cake, chocolate cupcakes and our raspberry-rhubarb crisp. I had to bake the crisp for 20 minutes to serve it warm. Once the ribs were done, we cooked the crisp. It was sooooo yummy. It was the only dessert that disappeared. I told Bob we can buy that again anytime!

Scott & Carole's neighbors had about 14 people over and we had a good time. I'm not much of a football fan and I thought the game was very entertaining. Madonna's half-time show was high class and well done.

We headed home about 7:30 p.m. A very nice day.

I hope everyone enjoys their upcoming week.

A warm hello to Michael, Mom, Janyce, Charlie, Frank, Gina, Louise, Laura, Kris, Kristin, Genie, Jo, Colleen, Randall, Marissa, Steven, Nancy, Amanda, Aaron, Emily, Christy, Janice, Shay, Jayce, Junior.

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