Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Home Stretch - Wed., Mar. 1, 2012

Ely, NV to Sparks, NV
We woke up to sunny skies and frozen ground. Bob went out to scrape the snow/ice from his truck. 

Free breakfast was included with our overnight stay, so we went across the street to Ramada's restaurant and loaded up on scrambled eggs, hash browns and fruit to fortify us for our journey across seven or so mountain ranges. 

Downtown Ely, NV

Heading out of Ely, NV Thursday morning. Road plowed!

I finally got my picture of "The Loneliest Road in America" sign outside Austin, NV.

Wicked icicles on the lug nuts. How cool is that?

Dirty, icy truck!
We left Ely at 7:00 a.m., traveled across Hwy 50 and I-80 back to Sparks. The highway had been plowed and sanded overnight. Our worst weather on the return trip was high winds just east of Fallon. Wouldn't you know, the air force "Top Gun" jets were out doing maneuvers in the wind as well as a military helicopter. I was nervous watching them. 

Our journey back to Sparks came to a close around 1:30 p.m. on Thursday. The cats survived us being out an extra night. (Good planning to put an extra litter box out for them.) Nothing in the rig was destroyed. Our "cat proofing" paid off.

Here's the little darlings, no worse for wear...

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