Friday, April 6, 2012

Freezing Friday -- Apr. 6

As I was fantasizing about what word would strike my fancy on Friday, my husband pointed to the door of the 5er and said, "Go look." My response, "How many inches of snow?"

I checked the outdoor thermometer which registered 29 degrees Fahrenheit. Outside was an inch of snow. It is freezing here in Sparks, Nevada in April.

Our feline friends are hanging out by the heater vents. They're no dummies.

Well, there isn't supposed to be snow when we travel in the morning, but I doubt what is falling overnight will melt by morning. We may have to wait until later in the day to make our way to Tonopah.

Warm weather will be a welcome relief after spending five months in frigid weather.

Fun fact from Bob: "Did you know sea otters have the thickest fur of any animal in the world?" from the book "Fact, Fact, Bullsh*t," by Neil Patrick Stewart. It's a free download on


  1. I'm going to if I can find that book on Amazon and hope that its available in Canada

  2. Love all your 'F's. I felt a bit cold coz my car had the teensiest bit of ice on the windscreen this morning! LOL

  3. Really? How neat is that, have to check it out.

  4. Oh goodness. That is a bit chilly. I was just being a grump about the 40 degrees here! I am a little jealous of the snow though :) We got about 1/4th of an inch here and it was gone 3 hours later. Not much of a winter!

    You're feline friends are brilliant! One of mine does the same here when it gets cold :)

  5. Okay, not going to complain about the cold here in Maryland. LOL!


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