Friday, April 27, 2012

X, The Letter

Kerrville, Texas:
The April A-to-Z blogging challenge is almost complete.  Three letters left: X, Y, Z. It's appropriate to talk about X, the 24th letter of the alphabet.

We can use x in mathematical equations, can cross off an errant word with an x, and can mark a ballot or checkbox with an x.

Not too many common words start with X: X-ray, xylophone, X-rated, and xylene are a few that come to mind.

When we talk about learning our A-B-C's, it brings up memories of elementary school and a cute song. The A-B-C's are what we cut our educational teeth on. A lot of our learning comes from reading and the alphabet is the foundation to learning sounds and words.
By the time we get to X-Y-Z, we know our A-B-C's  and it's time to explore the thoughts that come with learning words, reading, and the deeper challenge of critical thinking.

As we come to the end of our challenge, let's hear it for the letter X!

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