Monday, May 14, 2012

We Earned Our Pay Today! -- Sun., May 13

Cotulla, Texas:
Happy Mother's Day to Mom and all my friends and relatives who are mothers!  I hope you enjoyed a nice relaxing day today, maybe with flowers, massage, chocolate, or a meal at a good restaurant.

This was, by far, our busiest day. We have two "pads" at our gate. Today both pads were up and fully functional. On my night shift I may have between 12-20 trucks from 3 pm to 3 am. Today, I had 54 incoming trucks. Bob gets the brunt of the check-ins during the day, I think he filled out seven log sheets today compared to my 2-1/2 pages of log sheets. But I do log out a number of the trucks he logged in during the day, so my count is a bit higher than 54 as I overlap with him...but who's counting?

All kinds of trucks came in today. We had trucks lined up on the road, trucks coming and going right at the gate. Inside, our gate road splits into a "T": Pad A is to the left and Pad B is to the right. Most of the big equipment was headed for Pad A to do cold tubing.

There was a time today when a huge trailer with wide load was trying to get up on the B Pad. Three sand trucks were waiting to come out. The huge "Wide Load" semi with trailer had to back down by our fifth wheel to let the three sand trucks out, then had to back up and do a three-point turn by the gate to get turned around again. By this time another sand truck was ready to leave. The two trucks were tete-a-tete and neither wanted to back up. One of the crew on the pad had the sand truck back off. It was that kind of day.

The weather the past two days has been beautiful...mid 80s, blue sky with white puffy clouds. Nice.

I love sitting outside in the late afternoon while watching the gate. I'm in the shade right next to our generator aka "bird feeder." All afternoon, I have birds (Bewick's wren, mockingbird, a pair of cardinals) coming to catch the insects on the ground by the generator. There are still some birds I haven't identified, probably because my Audubon book is the Western Edition.

Bob is such a wonderful man. For our anniversary yesterday, tucked into the card, was a packet of seeds for "Forget-Me-Nots." He knows I love to garden, but don't want any plants in the 5er for now. I can plant these seeds out in the soil behind our 5er and we can water them with our gray water. Hopefully we won't have any more major rainstorms that dump inches of water at a time. I don't think forget-me-nots are very hardy flowers. The seeds take 4-6 weeks to become flowers, so we should still be here to see a pretty display.

I forgot to mention, on the day I went into town to do laundry, a roadrunner "ran" (more like sauntered) across the road in front of my car. I had to stop to let him cross. He didn't seem to be in a hurry.

That's all folks!

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