Saturday, June 23, 2012

Alarm Follow-up -- Fri., June 22

Cotulla, Texas:

Yesterday morning Bob made an excellent omelette for our breakfast--two eggs, mushrooms, green peppers, avocado topped with salsa.  I love it when he cooks. 

A couple of mornings ago Bob was up on top of the 5er washing the roof. Of course when you wash a thick layer of caliche dust off the roof, you then have to wash the rest of the 5er too. It looks so much better now.

We didn't get much sleep last night with the H2S alarms. The alarms stopped sounding after an hour and a half. 

Today, we had alarms again and terrible smells in and around our RV from the gas and oil. Even though the temperature was hovering at 100 degrees, we opened up all the doors and windows and turned on overhead exhaust fans in an attempt to remove the odor. My throat was sore by the late afternoon and I don't have a cold. I asked the workers coming in if there was a problem. I was told that there was a gas release and the workers right next to the well had to wear masks, but we were far enough away not to worry. Yeah, right. For me "far enough away" is about a mile, not 500'.

Our missing Priority Mail package was at the post office today! Yay. It was mailed to our last RV park (we had checked out of the park in late April) and had been there since May 11. I'm happy our stray package found its way to us.

Today, I did our laundry in Cotulla, then met a friend for lunch at JJ's Country Store restaurant. We had Mexican food. I had a combo plate with taco, chicken enchilada, pinto beans and rice. 

On the drive home from town, five or six cows were in/on the road, escapees from one of the ranches. 

Wildlife sighting: The roadrunner continues to procure its meals from under our 5er. Joining the roadrunner, but at a different seating time, was the red cardinal. On the way into town, I saw a scissor-tailed flycatcher.

Tonight, I was checking tankers in and out. I filled 2/3rds of the log sheet.

While at the laundromat, and again tonight between checking in tankers, I read "One Ranger," a biography about a Texas Ranger. Very interesting, historic and entertaining book. I'm about 1/3 of the way through it. The book brings to life the area we're living in. Thank you to Jerry for loaning us the books.

The cats were particularly playful today. Fun to watch them!

That's all for today.

Over and out.


  1. We have found that cooking on an electric skillet works best since it produces less heat than the flame from our propane stove. We just have to remember to not have the electric skillet, microwave and toaster oven on at the same time.

  2. Guess the kitties are doing okay with the fumes? You sure have an exciting site!

    1. I can't tell how the kitties are doing with the fumes, but Bowie does not like the alarms. Sunnie sleeps right through them.

    2. I can't tell how the kitties are doing with the fumes, but Bowie does not like the alarms. Sunnie sleeps right through them.

  3. That place looks very scary. My health would give out from those fumes. I don't like the water situation you have either. Tank with gobs?


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