Sunday, June 17, 2012

Creativity & Gate Babysitting -- Sat., June 16

Cotulla, Texas:

Being isolated in the desert has done something to my brain. My creativity is returning. I have not written poetry for years, but I have started again. When we quiet the busy-ness from our minds and lives and opt for quiet time, creativity has a chance to sneak in. I may be a bit rusty with the poetry, but I find writing inspiration and my sense of humor are kicking in.

Creativity manifests as writing and photography for me.  Others sculpt (clay, sand, ice), paint, knit, sew, crochet, tat, draw, garden, tell stories, do calligraphy, do beadwork, make jewelry, quilt, tattoo, make mandalas (sand "paintings"), arrange flowers, do interior decoration, decorate cakes and baked goods, and do glass blowing (plus lots more).

The human mind is capable of so much and we use just a fraction of it. I enjoy our slower pace of life gate guarding. We're not so busy "do-ing" and can spend time "be-ing."

Gate guarding update: Another gate guard has been without phone or internet for a couple of days. She is single and can't just up and leave her gate to get her equipment repaired. 

Today, I went to babysit her gate while she headed into San Antonio to go to the Apple Mac store and buy some supplies. I arrived at 1:45 p.m. and was greeted by Susan who introduced me to Angel.
Angel's greeting.

Her gate was super slow. I checked in two vehicles and checked two out. That was it. The rest of the day included a two-hour nap, I finished reading "American Idol," and started on "The Burning Wire" by Jeffery Deaver. So far "Burning Wire" is very interesting. I'm almost half way through it. There's a lot of information on electricity in this thriller.

When Susan returned at midnight, I helped her unload her groceries. Then she taught me how to make "3-2-1 Cake." I'd never heard of it before. Into a large ziploc freezer bag, put one box of angel food cake mix and one box of regular cake mix (any flavor you like).  Zip the bag and mix the two cake mixes together. You will store most of the mix in the bag and use 3 Tbsp. of the cake mix at a time. Here's how:

Choose a microwave safe mug. Measure 3 Tbsp. of cake mix into the mug. Add 2 Tbsp. water to the mug and mix thoroughly. Batter should be the consistency of cake mix. Put the mug with the batter into the microwave and cook on high for one minute.  (Her microwave is 900 watts. Depending on the wattage of your microwave cooking time could be different.) Voila! You have cake! She made the cake for me to show me how to do it. It was easy and yummy...she even put cut up strawberries on it and let me take some home to Bob. What fun!

"3-2-1 Cake"
3 Tbsp. cake mix (see above)
2 Tbsp. water
1 minute in the microwave

The things we learn out here. I tell you. It's amazing.

Travel Bug out.


  1. I know exactly what you mean about isolation and the return of creativity. Enjoy it while it's there! I have basically the same situation here. :)

    Hey, how cool that you guys are close to Susan and Angel! I follow her blog, too.

  2. Susan, can't wait to try the 3-2-1 cake! We now cook our corn in the microwave following the directions from one of your previous posts.

    1. We are loving the 3-2-1 cake. It's so easy. I actually put heaping tablespoonsful in the mug and add 3 Tbsp. of water. (We have big mugs.)

      Our cake "mix" is the angel food (required) plus vanilla. Tonight we cut up a ripe banana and put it over the cake. Yum!


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