Monday, June 4, 2012

Pictures -- Sun., June 3

One more pic of equipment being moved...

Bob planning our trip to Yellowstone.
The bag cats. I looked up and the cats had completely emptied our bag of bags.  Too funny.
So much fun we're having!
Bagz smell good! Dey iz rrr's now.


  1. Looks like 2 nice healthy cats you have there. Great. I befriended a very wild stray here in Manila. It took patience and about a month and a half but she is eating out of my hand now.

    Some Filipinos truly hate cats because most are wild and depend on food dropped or given to survive.

    Thanks for being a cat lover.

    1. I'm glad you're a cat lover too. Sounds like the cats in Manila could use more friendly people.

      Ever since I was a little girl, I've one or more cats as pets/family members. They are intelligent, entertaining, sweet, and easy to care for. Luckily my husband was raised with cats too, so he loves them as much as I do.

  2. Thanks so much for the kitty photos! I'll be checking out our truckers atlas today in prep for our hitting the road tomorrow for Lancaster and the Montana Rally. Love that truckers atlas! :)

    1. We don't have a trucker's atlas. How is that different from a regular atlas? Does it show clearances?

      I'll keep posting kitty photos. Some people don't like them, but they don't have to look at them if they don't want too. I try to put them toward the end of my blog posting.

  3. Cute cat pics. Quincy, our Siamese that looks just like yours, has a thing for plastic bags. He loves it when we come home from WalMart!

    1. Our cats love bags, but we make the greatest hit with them when we bring home different configured boxes from Costco. OMG, they especially like the smaller boxes with lots of holes in them. One gets inside the box (Sunnie, the bigger one--I don't know how he does it), then Bowie attacks with his paws or teeth through the holes. They also love it when I drop their play mice into the holes. They fish them out. Great game. Also love it when I roll in toy balls. They have a couple of favorite boxes, but we bring different sizes home and they totally check those out as well.

      Bowie, the Siamese, likes shredding boxes. He's like a dog with a bone, just rips into them and we have to pick up all the pieces. Better the box than the furniture, valances, etc...just sayin'.

  4. Oh so sweet. They look like they are having a ball.

  5. Love the pics!! Bowie looks a lot like our Tootsie. Sounds like her too, that girl would shred anything she could but her favorite was the newspaper. Sometimes I'd buy one just to give to her!! Gotta love 'em!!

    1. The cats like shredding paper, BUT what they like even more is shredding cardboard boxes. Boxes must be a cat version of a doggie chew toy. They can really sink their teeth into the cardboard and shred it. Maybe it's their way of exercising their teeth and jaws since they're indoor cats and don't get any real hunting in.

      Anyway, boxes work well for them as hidey-holes also.

  6. Love the cats....look like they are having a great time! My girls (2 inquisitive cats) love boxes! They love it when I unpack the Chrismas decorations - so many boxes and krinkly paper to play in !

    1. Anita,
      Ahhh, yes, krinkly paper. Sunnie, our orange tabby, is crinkly paper king. If I am eating Hershey's Kisses and he hears me rolling up the little foil wrapper, he comes out from wherever he is wanting me to throw the crinkled up wrapper for him to chase. He plays kitty hockey with it and then hides it under a throw rug and attacks the throw rug to retrieve the wrapper. Too funny!

      The other "game" we play with Hershey's Kisses wrappers is this: I crumple up the wrappers and put a little row of them on the edge of the dining room table. He turns his head from side to side, then individually bats each wrapper off the table onto the floor. Somehow he "gets it" that only crumpled up wrappers are part of the game. He won't touch the Kisses that are still wrapped up.

      Cats, gotta love 'em.



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