Friday, June 1, 2012

P.S. Wildlife Sightings Today -- Fri., June 1

Fuller Ranch, Cotulla, Texas:

Wildlife I saw today: On my drive to town, I saw the Sable antelope herd on the ranch across the road. Coming home, I saw a hen turkey in a field about a mile from our site.

This evening, the roadrunner was back, again being chased by the mockingbirds. Mr. Roadrunner had something in his mouth. Out came the binoculars. A great big katydid was hanging out of the roadrunner's mouth. Pretty cool. Once again I wished for a more powerful camera. I could have had a wonderful, nature-moment shot. of these days.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa (as Jimmy Buffett sings). I have a major correction. What we thought were blackbuck antelope are NOT. What we see at Rancho de la Tierra Roja across the road are:

Springbok Antelope
The springbok is a medium-sized brown and white gazelle that stands about 70 to 90 cm high. Springbok males weigh between 33 and 50 kg and the females between 25 and 40 kg. Wikipedia
Scientific name: Antidorcas marsupialis

Travel Bug out.

Oh, except for a kitty pic (please stop reading if you don't want to see a kitty pic):

Bowie in "my" chair. (Ha! Don't fool yourself, Susan.)
This is what happens when I get up from the computer to check someone in at the of the two cats usurps my chair. (Bowie in this instance, but it's just as likely to be Sunnie. Notice Sunnie's head sticking out from under the chair. Under the chair is the second most prized takeover area when I'm in the vicinity. When I jump up from my chair to go outside I have to check first for a cat tail, paw, head or body under my feet. Sheesh, what we do for our animals!)

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