Friday, July 6, 2012

Getting Lost You Might Find...Dinner -- Fri., July 6

San Antonio, Texas:

Bob worked a long day today. When I hadn't heard from him by 6:00 p.m., I called his cell. He was packing up to leave work for the day. By 6:45 he was home and we decided to go out to eat but didn't know where, we just wanted to try someplace different.

I drove and went where I wanted. We headed north on I-37 since we hadn't been north of downtown that way. We saw a sign for Quarry Market. I said, "That sounds interesting." We exited the freeway. Bob says, "It's probably a shopping mall." Sure enough, a large, upscale shopping mall complete with movie theaters. Not what we were looking for. The street we were on was US 281 north so I followed that past a nice golf course (down in the old quarry) and kept driving. We had no idea where we were exactly.

An intersection loomed ahead. I decided to turn left. At this point we didn't know if we were still on U.S. 281 or not. I think not. We ended up in a nice neighborhood. Things weren't looking right to find a restaurant. Lo and behold, just when I thought we'd have to find another street, there before us was the "The Barn Door." I told Bob, "This is where I want to have dinner." Somehow I just drove right to it.

The place was huge! It was also a bit more expensive than where we thought we might eat. But it called our name, so here we were. The decor was nice with lots of historical photos on the walls.

A display of "Authentic Old West Barbed Wire"

This photo was over our table. What the...? He's wearing alpaca chaps!

One of the original restaurant signs.

Bob had salad, 1/2 roasted chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy. I ordered trout amandine which came with salad, cole slaw, and mashed potatoes with gravy. Good stuff. We're happy with our choices.

Oh, on 4th of July we watched the fireworks at Hemisphere Park from a high school parking lot. The view was great! Talk about a creative fireworks display. I had never seen smiley face, star or heart-shaped fireworks before. Some of the fireworks had secondary fireworks built into them. My favorite was a huge white firework that had all the little falling fireworks explode so that it ended up looking like a dandelion in full puff mode.

Tomorrow we plan to do a Volkswalk early in the morning before it gets too hot. I think we'll do one of the Riverwalks in downtown. So many walks to choose from!

Travel Bug out.


  1. Gotta love those kind of restaurant meals, wander around until you find something interesting. looks like a nice spot and good food.

  2. Glad you're having fun. You sure deserve it after working the oilfield. San Antonio and The Riverwalk are fun places to explore. Enjoy! Too hot to walk here except in the early morning. :)


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