Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Thunder Clapping -- Wed., July 11

San Antonio, Texas:

For two hours this morning there was thunder clapping for the lightning show. Sleep was not an option. This show was right over my head. So I read my book and listened to the clapping, booming and rain falling on the 5er. Bob had left for work about an hour earlier. When the thunder died down, I fell asleep to the soothing sound of rain on the roof. I love thunderstorms, especially when I don't have to be out in them.

When you're on the road, it's always an adventure to go to a new hair stylist. In Oregon and Hawaii, I had hair stylists to whom I was dedicated and went to them for years. Today, I looked up hair stylists in San Antonio on Google. I had also stopped at another salon yesterday to check it out.

I braved a new stylist. She has been cutting hair and doing color for 11 years. The reviews online said her clients liked her a lot and not to be dismayed by the way her shop looks from the outside. 

Well, I got confused by my notes I had taken off the internet. I called one salon and talked to the receptionist there. She said they had lots of experienced hair stylists and colorists. They weren't busy on this Wednesday afternoon, so I told them I'd be in in a half hour and gave them my name.

Imagine my surprise when I went to a salon where the door was locked with bars on it. I had to ring the bell to be let in. One customer was on her way out. The lady who answered the door said, "Who are you?" I told her my name and she didn't seem to recognize it, but had me come in and sit down. She asked me what I needed to have done. I told her cut and color.

The place had definitely seen better days. The drape she put on me had big holes in it. The medical scrub top she handed me had stains set into it. The tile floor had chunks missing. However, she was super nice and we had a good conversation. I've never had anyone cut my hair so fast in my life! She was the female version of Edward Scissorhands. Plus she colored my hair and highlighted it all for $55 plus tip. The other salons I talked to wanted $20+ for a cut and $55-$85 for color plus highlight. 

So, what do you think? 

Not too bad for the price. Normally I like it more feathered and shorter on the very top.

Welcome to new subscribers Sue, Mo, Abby and Jeremy at The MoHo and Other Traveling Tales and Paul, Marsha and Bella of  Where's Weaver.

The rain continued off and on throughout the day. At Bob's work, the workers are a-buzz about the rain. Texas has been having a drought so precipitation is very important to fill aquifers and water the dry landscapes.

Bob is home from work and he's taking me out to dinner. Nothing fancy. We wanted to try something new, so ended up at Sea Island Shrimp House. 

Bob enjoyed his fish sandwich and black beans. My fish tacos, on the other hand, were awful. I pictured baked or broiled fish with cabbage and a light sauce. Instead, the fish was deep fried, unidentifiable, and tasted terrible. I ate two bites of one taco. Bob tasted them and didn't care for them either. I will pass on eating here again.

Trying-to-be-healthy Travel Bug out.


  1. Getting my hair done is the biggest pain! Everyone uses a different brand of color. I carry cards around with me now showing what the mixture is for different brands.
    I think your hair looks great. The color looks very good on you!

  2. Definitely a pain. I used to have my favorite brand/mixture but not anymore. I loved Redken's Double Blonde, but I haven't had that color for years. Pout!

    Thank you for the compliment. Bob likes it too.


  3. I like it. I gave up on coloring mine, it grows too fast.

    1. Susan,
      My hair grows fast too. It was way overdue for color. Gray was showing...horrors!


  4. Looks cool to me. I was trimming my goatee the other day. After one pass, I said OOPS! Trimmed it a little too close. So I just shaved it off. That was the first time my chin saw the light of day in 35 years. One week later, the chin is covered again. The moral of that story? It will grow back.
    Coloring is a different thing. Paint on a wall can be changed quickly. Messing up a person's hair color can be a big problem.
    The better question is, "What does Bob think about it?"

    1. Bob likes it. I like it too.

      And, believe it or not, color can be corrected, but it's expensive to correct a bad color job. It will grow out eventually, though, if you really hate it and don't want to re-color. Luckily, this is a good color job.

      Funny about your goatee. 35 years?? Wow, was your chin white?

      Thanks for the comment.


  5. Thanks for the welcome, Susan! I talked to my daughter this morning and she mentioned the storms but not in much detail. After living in Portland for so long she is enjoying the wild changes there in Texas. Hair...sigh...I finally gave up on the salon coloring thing with all the highlights...decided I would rather buy something else with that much money. Since I am no longer working I can just do it myself now, but it gets to be a real pain in the patootie finding red like mine used to be.

  6. The color, cut and style looks great. Glad your experience 'behind bars' turned out as well as it did :)


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