Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lizard Lip -- Tues., Sep. 25

Never having had my jaws wired shut before, I didn't know how to eat with this new equipment in my mouth. My upper lip is caked in a big, thick scab. I've named this "lizard lip." With lizard lip it is impossible to sip from a straw. 

So I asked the trauma nurses, "How am I supposed to eat?"

They fashioned a feeding tube for me from a large syringe and sterile urinary catheter tube. It works very well for chicken broth and other clear liquids. See...
Bob says I look like I'm playing a flute. Ha!

Chicken broth down the hatch. Good photo of lizard lip.
The little tube goes back toward the molars, press the plunger and drink.

Some Sunnie therapy.
Today was a tough one. I hurt, I was tired, I had chest pain, I was hot, I was cold, I couldn't get enough to eat, I was a little woozy, basically whiny. If I can't be whiny now, when can I be?

Bob came and visited me at 2:00 p.m. after a lunch meeting. That was very sweet of him. I explained to him that the hospital had neglected to give me a "Wired Jaw" diet, even though the discharge instructions said to follow them. Also my discharge instructions said a nurse was supposed to give me instructions on how to clean my mouth...didn't happen. My mouth feels like a slime pit. (Sorry, that's pretty graphic.)

Does anyone out there in blog land know how to clean a mouth that's wired shut? How about a wired jaw diet? We tried to find the card of the lady who discharged me, but it seems lost. We wanted to call and ask HER.

Here's the deal on the diet. Since I didn't get the diet from the hospital, I thought, "Oh, I'll just eat what they were feeding me at the hospital." Well that's not working out so well.  Chicken broth, one cup, is 50 calories x 3 times per day is 150 calories. Grape juice, one cup, is 160 calories. Apple juice, one cup, is 110 calories. In the hospital I was given jello at every meal--try sucking that through jaws wired with ten bands! Doesn't work too well. And they also gave me some kind of citric juice popsicle; however, with broken teeth and raw nerve endings, iced stuff hurt. Basically that's about 580 calories with the juice and broth. Not near enough. No wonder I feel woozy and weak! So I need ideas soon. I do not do well with dairy or wheat. One option I came up with is Chocolate Almond Milk which I love!! 120 calories per cup, plus dark chocolate. Mmmmm. Had some of that this evening and my tummy grumblies went away.  And my mood improved. 

I also wonder if my bad mood might stem from the pain medication. When I don't take it for a while, I feel much happier. But I do appreciate the way the pain med alleviates the pain. I'm taking it as little as possible. I think next will be right before sleep since it makes me drowsy.

That's how this patient and her lizard lip are doing. I'm going to Google Wired Jaw Diet and mouth cleaning...see what I can find.

Enough about ole puffy face. Next blog will be about the Volkswalk we were on when this happened.

Travel Bug out.


  1. You do look like you are healing , even if you don't feel like it. Have you thought about adding honey, karo syrup, or other iquid sugar to your drink? How about protine powders in a blender with chocolat syrup and honey. sorry about all the typos, I am on an iPad and to lazy to make the corrections.

  2. We will have to look into some protein powder. Good idea. We don't have any.

  3. There's a product called "Ensure". Not sure if it's available in your area. Do a little reading on the subject. I'm not sure if there are any issues in the area of lactose intolerance or not. (Just don't have the time to do that searching for you right now)
    My oldest brother had been giving this product to his wife over the last while. She's had scleroderma for many, many years and took a bit of a turn for the worst in the last year or so.
    Seems she's now got her strength back, and they're once again headed off to the sunny south. He figured their days as "Snow birds" had come to an end to say the least. Most of us thought she was a going to cash it in.
    I realise this isn't exactly "anecdotal" by any stretch of the imagination, but there's bound to be something out there you can slurp back that has enough energy in it to help you heal.
    There's another one called "Boost" that comes to mind.
    Isn't the internet awesome?

    Try not to get discouraged.

    1. Last night I tried chocolate Ensure which tasted fine, but overnight I had a lot of phlegm and had trouble getting rid of it. I don't know if it was the Ensure or the Chocolate Almond Milk. I'm thinking I need to stick more to clear liquid at this point. I must call the doctor's office to find out for sure.

  4. I'm so sorry you are having to go through this. It's amazing how quickly life can change. You certainly have every right to do some whining! I agree with the protein powder idea. Also, how about some Ensure or something like that for people who need extra calories. When I had knee surgery the pain meds made me feel very sick. I finally gave up on them and used ibuprofin. How are you swallowing pills? Good luck with your healing. I hope it goes fast!

    1. Did try Ensure. Will wait to try that again even though I liked it.

      Nope, no pills. They don't fit through the bands of my wired-together jaws. : (

  5. Have you tried Boost or Ensure? I like Boost a lot better. When I was in the hospital in 2002 the food was so bad that I would not eat it, so they finally brought me Boost and it was good and worked. A Chaplain stopped in to see me on the day I was discharged and I told the food in this place is terrible. He responded 'Oh we know it is'. Amazing.

    Get well and please be careful on the road.

    1. Hi Rex,
      Tried Ensure last night. Was okay but something caused massive phlegm which was very hard to get rid of. Don't know yet if it was the Ensure. Now I have to do the process of elimination.

  6. How about a nutrition drink, something like Ensure?

  7. Hi, Sorry about your injuries. You can buy protien drinks in the grocery. The jello can be taken as liquid before it sets-up.
    Good luck and Get well soon,
    Ann and Jerry

  8. Add protein additives (form a health food store) them to a fruit smoothie ( use your favorite mild alternatives for milk products) and thin to needed consistency with fruit juice. By the way you are entitled to whine, in fact it is mandatory to your recovery!! lol

  9. Give the hospital dietician a call. How about a fruit smoothy? Guess you would have to keep it away from the broken teeth. Maybe some of the smooth baby food. The fruit is good. The veggies might be okay if you season them. Seems like that would go through the tube.

    I think you are amazing for keeping up with your blog.

    1. Hi Colleen,
      Actually Bob went on a shopping expedition this afternoon and came back with a plethora of baby foods and juice drinks with protein to try. We used some 1st baby food peas and watered them way down and then warmed them up a little. They were pretty satisfying, but bland.

      We have a whole lot o' learnin' to do.


  10. Hi Susan, can you do Greek yogurt? When I had my Bariatric Surgery, I had to get 60 to 80 grams of protein but could only have one or two ounces at a time. I used Greek yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, powdered milk, agave nectar for sweetener, frozen fruit for flavor, blended in a blender. Very filling! I've asked Ted if he has any suggestions.

    1. I don't do dairy of any kind very well. I try to stay away from it and use soy or almond milk.

      The soy milk does have 7 gm of protein. I had some for breakfast and put in some cinnamon and nutmug, then warmed it a little in the microwave. Found the spices stuck to my throat on the way down causing coughing, which I DON'T want to do with my jaws wired shut. No more spices unless they're suspended in liquid better.

      Still learning.

  11. I was about to suggest protein powder. An easier solution would be Ensure or some of the premade bottled protein drinks. There are brand name one's like Kellogg's but there are also some more natural protein drinks and shakes in our markets here. Yes, they might be a bit expensive, but this is an unusual and temporary situation. I was given protein drinks in hospital while still on a liquid diet. Yes, you do look like you are healing, even though it may not feel like it. :)

    1. Bob went on a shopping foray into the baby food section at HEB today. He said it was a treasure trove of interesting foods and brought home about 12 things to try. We tried baby food peas watered down a lot. I can wait to try sweet potatoes, carrots, mixed veggies and turkey. I do think some of these will have to wait until I get the okay for soft foods not a liquid diet. We'll see what the doc's office says. I will call tomorrow to get clarification of exactly what foods I'm supposed to be on right now.

  12. You are so brave to have your picture taken. You do look a lot better. Hope you find your diet plan.

    1. Oh thanks. I'm not proud. Maybe it can help someone else someday.

  13. Add a raw egg to whatever your blending for some extra protein. Use a little vanilla in the mix with the egg.
    Hope your feeling a little better each day.
    Jim and Alie

  14. You might try really soupy instant mashed potatoes made with chicken broth and brown gravy through you feeding straw.


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