Sunday, September 16, 2012

Soothing Sunday -- Sep. 16

Soothing sounds of susurrant rain patter on our 5th wheel roof. We love being close to nature so that we can easily hear the succulent, sloppy sounds of such a wet weather day. Earlier, the sound was more insistent, knocking on our roof, insisting it wanted to come in but couldn't. 

What a great way to spend a Sunday: lulled into complacency without a care; sitting inside with all our curtains open, watching the rain fall, and the birds frolic in the instant puddles and small lakes that have sprung up in the park.

View from our dining room.

A few sites didn't fare too well. 4:00 p.m., still raining!
Won't be renting this site today!
Another Holiday Rambler Presidential in the park. Glad we're not in that site!
Our site is nice and dry.
It's not often that we sleep in until 11:00 a.m. or read in bed. We "accomplished" those as well. Oh, and Bob is watching the Seahawks vs. Cowboys game. He's happy I'm his only audience here in the heart of Texas so he can root for the Seahawks. Ha ha.

Our space is cozy, water-tight and has an almost 360-degree view. We aren't lacking much. And we have each other, too. Life is grand. As Bob says, "It's a good day to hunker down beside the fire." (Well, if we had a fireplace, anyway.)

Temperatures have taken a nose-dive from last week's 95-100 degree days. It's 3:20 p.m. and the temperature is 67 degrees. Our air conditioner is getting a well-deserved rest and our refrigerator is performing marvelously well. I had to turn the refrigerator down a couple of degrees.

Add in the picture of perfect relaxation, our cats, and it's a wonder we're awake at all.

Sunnie sleeping next to me while I blog.

Bowie on his catnip cat scratcher.
Oh, and those peacock feathers we bought yesterday...cats gone wild. As soon as the feathers "walked" in the door in my hand, the cats went nuts. Good thing I bought two feathers, one for each cat. You'd have thought a flock of birds had flown in. I had one feather in each hand and one cat was hunting each feather. Bob had to take a feather and play with one cat. We had them running, leaping, flipping, chasing, panting. Bowie grabbed one in his mouth and ran into the bathroom with it. Next thing I knew, the "eye" was chewed off the length of the feather. 
This is fun. Let's do it again!
He was jumping all over the feather, doing flips. Sunnie, too, was having a field day with his feather. It's obvious to me we have to buy a lot more peacock feathers!

Another activity our cats find fascinating is chewing on cardboard boxes. I swear they are part beaver, especially Bowie, who digs into cardboard and chews off chunks. Whatever it takes to keep them occupied. It's hard enough that they're cooped up in 300+ square feet of space. 

On days when they really need to get their wa-was out, they chase each other back and forth for 15 minutes at top cat speed, from the back of the living room to the mirrors on the bedroom closet. At those times, they sound like a herd of horses at the Kentucky Derby...must be because of all the empty space under the 5er.

Welcome to our newest subscriber, Colleen, of Traveling with the Longdogs. Thank you for stopping by and introducing yourself.

Travel Bug out.


  1. Sounds like a real relaxing day. This rain was a soft pitter-patter. Starting tomorrow when the sun is back, I will have to watch for muddy footprints from the Traveling Longdogs.

    1. Bowie escaped out the door today and ran directly under the 5er. Luckily, we have dry gravel, so no wet paws. Have you ever tried to get a cat out from under a 5er. Not easy.

      We brought out the heavy artillery--peacock feather and shoelace. He came out to play with the peacock feather and I snagged him. Whew.


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