Sunday, September 30, 2012

What is Going On, Anyway? -- Sun., Sep. 30

Two other bloggers have fallen, both on Friday, exactly one week after I fell. You can read about them here: Mushroom Accident and Your Life Can Change in an Instant. I also received a note from one of Bob's running friends in Hawaii who fell and injured her face three months ago and is still not healed. She had two front teeth cave in and has had multiple surgeries, but she's still having trouble eating. Oh no!

Is it something in the air? A full moon? 

Is this a trend? Is it our age? I hope not. Be careful out there everyone!!

I let Bob know I wasn't yet up for a car ride today. Tomorrow we're driving four hours round-trip for my follow-up in Corpus Christi. That will be road trip enough for me at this point. I have SO MANY QUESTIONS for the doctor. I'll post an update as soon as I can.
Hi Jeannie and Eldy of Where's Eldo? So happy to see you on board. [Note: I have been following Jeannie's blogs for a while and thoroughly enjoy all the things they see and do. You may want to hop on over and check them out, if you haven't already.]

Also welcome to Joe and Betty of Joe and Betty's Adventures, fellow Oregonians, who we do not yet know. Thanks for joining us on our full-time RV adventure. Maybe we'll meet when we're in Oregon in October or December.

It's Sunday evening...time for "60 Minutes" and a new season of our favorite show, "Amazing Race."

Did anyone see the season-opener for "Last Resort"? Wow! That hour-show was like a movie. Can't wait to see where they take it. (And it was filmed in Hawaii!)

It's time for more fur-kid photos, so tune out now if you're not interested.

Bowie totally relaxed in the recliner next to mine.
Sunnie snoozin' on the floor between the two recliners.
This looks like a good book. I'll get right on it!
And that, folks, is life in our "house" today. Take care out there wherever you are!

Travel Bug out.


  1. The full moon was Saturday. I'm feeling better. Yesterday was bad, I hurt all over. Hope your follow up goes well...keep us posted.

    1. Glad you're feeling somewhat better. It will be a process for both of us.

      Hopefully you have some pain meds.

  2. Always like your cat photos!
    We were talking about you and the other "fallen bloggers" while hiking today, how one little misstep can change your life. We walked a bit more carefully!

    1. Thank you about the cat photos. I swear these two cats "pose."

      Also see another comment about a fall below. Sheesh.

  3. Reading about all these unfortunate accidents, I've been really careful when walking around. Your warnings are being heeded - here at least.

    I watched Last Resort and thought it was pretty good but I don't know where they go from here without stretching credibility way beyond never, never land.

    1. Yeah, with Last Resort I was wondering at the end how they will handle all the plot lines. If it gets too preposterous, I'll just turn it off.

  4. Just got back from visiting our daughter and son-in-law. Two weeks ago his mother was coming out of her condo and her foot caught the sill plate of the door. She was falling forward and tried to regaining her balance but as she was doing that she ran herself into a brick wall.

    Chipped her knee cap, scraped up her arm, dislocated a finger, broke her nose and chipped some teeth. The bruising is just starting to go down but she still has two black eyes.

    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. Wow, another semi-fall. Eek, an epidemic. (Well, not really.)

  5. Being a native Texan, I just have to remark that Sunnie appears to have good taste in books!

    1. Sunnie had his claws into the book, but the book has its claws into Bob. Bob loves James Michener. I haven't read any of his books yet, but I think I'll start with Texas when Bob finished it.

  6. I love traveling. I will put the place on my travel list. Your cats are cute. I'm a new follower and hope to visit your blog often. I'm travelling to Memphis, TN tomorrow. Doylene

    1. Hi Doylene,
      Oh goodie, another new follower. Thank you for coming to visit, drop by often and keep up on our adventures.

      Enjoy Memphis. We haven't been there yet.

      We think our cats are very special and definitely cute. Thanks.



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