Sunday, October 21, 2012

Rodriguez -- Sun., Oct. 21

The movie Searching for Sugar Man rocks. The documentary of a 70's rock star captivates in telling the story of a man who had no idea he was a star. You see, he made two albums which flopped in the U.S.; however, connected with youth in Cape Town, South Africa during apartheid. 

In South Africa, Rodriguez was more popular than Elvis! Somehow, the royalties never found their way to Rodriguez, so he continued on in his unassuming life UNTIL...da da da DA...some people in the music and journalism fields in South Africa decided to solve the mystery of the rock star no one in the United States knew about. South Africans heard he committed suicide on stage.
Bob and I were riveted by the story on the screen. The tale unfolds gradually, solving the mystery as you watch. Amazing to learn all the details. Highly recommended. If you watched 60 Minutes a couple of weeks ago, you learned some of the story. The movie goes into much more detail.

The theater where we watched the movie is the Santikos Bijou Cinema Bistro at Wonderland Mall. 

Very upscale. You can order dinner and drinks which are delivered to your seat before the movie starts.

More new followers: Terry and LuAnn of Paint Your Landscape. Welcome! LuAnn and Terry started full-timing in August 2011 via Sedona, Arizona and Yellowstone National Park...fellow outdoors people. They are currently in the Alabama Hills of California with some other wonderful bloggers, Nina and Paul of Wheeling It. We have been following Nina and Paul's journey for months and loved their exploration of "our" home state, Oregon. Such a small world. Six Degrees of Separation? Perhaps.

I'd also like to say "Howdy" to Just Wandrin' and Garea51, however I don't have names and/or websites. (I have to wonder Garea51, is your name Gary who is into Area 51? Just curious. Currently you're "alien" to me.) Please introduce yourselves.

TravelBug out.


  1. Always fun to get a good movie recommendation. Thank you, Susan!

  2. We don't do many movies. I'm not sure why. Perhaps, it's because we'd have to put forth an effort and this RVing thing keeps us busy enough.

    Just Wanderin'

    1. Hi,
      Thanks for a link to your blog, but I still don't know your name. Is your husband Terry? Are you Jeri? I was trying to figure your names out by reading your blogs. I'm not sure I got it right.


  3. That looks like a nice theater. There are a couple of McMenamins in the Portland area where you can have your dinner with the movie (but they aren't upscale LOL!). RE; your comments on my blog. Just wondered when you lived in Hawaii. My sister lived on Maui for almost 20 years and my niece still lives there.

    1. We lived in Oregon over 30 years, and it is our home base while we're on the road. My family lives in the Portland/Vancouver area. In fact, we'll be visiting Oct. 31-Nov. 1 and Dec. 11-Dec. 16.

      Love McMenamin's. We have been to a number of their restaurants.

      We lived on Oahu from 2006-2011. Very beautiful. Bob would like to retire there.

  4. Our nephews love that theater, pizza and a movie makes them happy boys

  5. Oregon and Hawaii... nothing like starting at the top :)
    Box Canyon Mark

  6. Thanks, we certainly enjoyed our years there. But we can't wait to spend time on the East Coast, Michigan, and, oh gosh, everywhere else we haven't been!

  7. Hi Susan,

    Thanks for joining our blog as a follower and posting comments. We appreciate that and yes, I was doing a little tongue-in-check attempt at humor with that Great Blue Heron. ;c)

  8. Thanks for the shout-out Susan and the tip on the film. We are enjoying your blog very much. Always nice to meet fellow nature lovers. :)


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