Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tonight There's Going to Be a Jailbreak -- Wed., Oct. 24

"Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak..." We heard this Thin Lizzy song playing on the radio on the way back from the maxillofacial surgeon in Corpus Christi. Bob said, "Hey that would make a good title for your blog today." 

Yeah that's right my tongue escaped from my wired shut mouth. My tongue and jaws have been freed from jail! I no longer have metal digging into my inner lips. 

Dr. Cutbirth informed me that my jaw is healing very well. My teeth are aligned nicely in the back. He is amazed because of how badly smashed in my face was when he first saw me. He thinks my temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is healing nicely, although the left side hurt when I opened my mouth and chewed. I hope that feels better soon. I have to stay on soft foods for another two weeks, but that will put us in Australia.

Tomorrow, we'll see what the dentist says about my teeth and upper jaw after he takes X-rays and we have our consultation. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he can fix my teeth before we go (like this week, so my mouth/teeth have a few days to heal before we go). 

For dinner I had scrambled eggs. It was so good to put solid food in my mouth. My jaw is still a bit tight so I had to relax my jaw as much as possible to get the fork with food loaded into my mouth.

We had a nice mellow evening. I watched "Survivor: Philippines," and "CSI," though I kept falling asleep during "CSI." Getting the wires removed was traumatic for me. I had to keep breathing deep because I have a tendency to want to hold my breath when something hurts. It took me a good hour to relax on the drive home. So tonight my body needs lots of sleep.

Bob watched the first game of the World Series and played with Bowie.

Travel Bug out.


  1. Woohoo! So glad for you Susan. I can only imagine what it was like to have the metal taken off but at least you are moving right on down the path to full recovery. Hope the news from the dentist is equally good.

  2. What a tramatic day for you. I hope all goes well so you can enjoy your time in Australia. You will be in our prayers.

  3. I know for you it must seem like forever, but to me it seems you have made very rapid recovery. Hope your teeth get fix quickly too.

  4. WOW...I am going to have to go back a few blogs and catch up. I don't know anything about your jaw. So happy that you got that metal out. Good luck at the dentist today.

    1. I have had the metal for four weeks and four days. You have to go back to Sept. 21 for the accident blog.

  5. YAY! One more step on the road to full recovery!

  6. So glad you got those wires off. I agree with Merikay that it seems like you are recovering quickly. I'm sure it has felt like forever to you. Good luck with the dentist. I can't wait to share your adventures in Australia. It is my number one place to visit on my bucket list.

    1. Australia is #1 on my bucket list too. This trip was my request to Bob for my 60th birthday in November. We had Hawaiian Airlines air miles to use and four time share weeks we needed to use or lose. Sounded like perfect timing to me.

      Nothing is going to stop us from going at this point or we'd lose all that good stuff.

  7. Great news! I know it probably seemed like it would be forever until they took the wires out. Keep looking forward and you'll be "back to normal" (whatever that is! LOL) soon.

    Phil and Rudee

  8. Congrats on being freed from that metal!!! I hope your trip to the dentist goes well.

  9. Hang in there. I cringed a little during your description, as I can only begin to imagine the discomfort (that's a nice word for pain..)
    Hopefully there are some kick-ass meds that help you ease the pain enough to sleep.

    1. You know, the appointment lasted about 15-20 minutes. Five minutes to numb the entire inside of my mouth, ten minutes to cut and pull the wires out (worst part) and five minutes to discuss follow-up care and answer questions.

      For the next hour on the drive home I had big wads of gauze in my mouth, but when it was time to take the gauze out and I was free!

      Didn't need any pain meds at night and slept well. Still hard to open my mouth all the way and my gums are throbbing a little, but not bad. So much better than wires and bands!

  10. Good news, so glad to hear you become "unwired"! :c) In no time you'll be tearing into some 'Roo steaks in Australia. What a trial, but you survived.

    PS: Your question on "PDD", that's a title bestowed on me by Sherry concerning my tendency to drive way too many miles in one day, it's now known as "Paul Dahl Disorder" amongst us RV bloggers and it can be contagious. :cO

  11. I can't believe what you have gone through. Sending positive energy your way for a complete recovery before your trip to Australia.


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