Saturday, October 6, 2012

Update to Two Blogs from North Carolina and Tennessee

While I am convalescing, I have time to go back and add photos to blogs that did not receive them when I wrote them because of slow--or no--internet connectivity. Today I added pictures to two blogs from February 2011 when we were in Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee and in North Carolina. We hiked to as many waterfalls as we could. [Note: We did not start full-time RVing until October 2011, so this trip was spent at a timeshare and we drove a rental car. We were both still employed then. Both of our layoffs occurred within five days of each other in June 2011. See: Life is a Big Adventure blog.]

Here are links to two of the blogs which have been updated:

Four Waterfalls in Great Smoky Mountains and One in Cherokee Indian Reservation -- Feb. 22, 2011

Gatlinburg, TN -- Feb. 23, 2011.

I hope you enjoyed our trip back in time. There may be a few more of these until I get out and get moving again.

Bob is also under the weather. He's had a bad cold since Wednesday: sniffling, sneezing, achy and coughing. I've been using disinfecting wipes on everything because I don't want a cold. Already I've been sneezing like crazy which is difficult with wired jaws. So far no sore throat or coughing. Fingers crossed here.

Welcome to Jo Beth and Catherine of R-V Crazy Travel Journal. I found their site as a link from another blog. We have a lot in common (birding, full-timing, hiking) and I'm excited to read their adventures. Thank you for coming on board.

Oh, wow, hello Roxie and Annie of
The Good Luck Duck. Thanks for following us around with your lucky duck mascot. You have a unique voice in blogland. I'm interested in what you will think up next. [Their blog yesterday was "Composting Toilets for RVs and Small Homes."]

Being confined to the 5er, I see all the adorableness these cats possess. Warning: two more cute cat photos below.

They sure like to stay close to us.

Cozy cat pillow, just right for watching baseball.

Travel Bug out.


  1. Oh gosh, I miss having a cozy cat pillow! Lucky ya'll! Hope Bob feels better quickly and that he doesn't share his cold with you.

    1. Bob is in the final throes of his cold. I did NOT get it! Yay!

  2. Luv the kitty kids photos! They are certainly entertaining even when they don't mean to be. Sending virtual hugs... hope you avoid the germs as I can't think of anything worse for you right now!! Take good care! Karen

  3. So far, so good. No cold. I'm hoping Bob's contagious phase has passed.

  4. Thanks for the welcome! You called me "goofball" - I ♥ that!


    1. After reading your blog, I thought it appropriate. I mean that with all due respect.



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