Thursday, May 2, 2013

Update - Google Acted On the Copyright Infringement - Wed., May 1

Good news blogland. In an email from Google Removals, they state the following: "In accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we have completed processing your infringement notice. We are in the process of disabling access to the content in question..."

The site that was using my content and photos has been shut down. I will be monitoring the internet for other thieves of my text and photos.

You may want to do the same. Only through our diligence can we make a dent in people taking our work.

Travel Bug out.


  1. Susan, guess I missed something. What site was using your content?

    1. It was a site where someone had used another person's blog title and labeled it .com instead of .net. The person from that blog and I had an email conversation. She tried to shut down the other site since the name was much like her own blog title (which was a pet sitting business), but the person who opened it had google mail and she didn't. She couldn't get into it.

      Anyway, the other site had copied ALL my blogs from my very first one up through April 17, 2013, ALL photos, everything. They titled their blog Travel Information. I tried to email them, as Google requested, but their comment form was for show only. You could not leave them a comment.

      The site has been closed down. I'm very thankful Google took care of my request quickly. It was a lot of form filling for the copyright infringement, but I'm glad I took the time to do it.

  2. Whew...I was away from reading blogs for the last 8 days or so and read all of your posts that I had missed. As always loved all your interesting photos. That is disturbing that you found someone stealing your blog content. I suspect there is a lot of that but the odds of finding it is rare. How odd that both you and Bob happened to find it. Glad you got that taken care of.

    BTW since I am consolidating comments so I can get caught up...thanks for the movie reviews. I think the Sapphires sound especially interesting.

    1. Actually Bob found it purely by accident and he showed it to me. What appalls me is they stole every single blog I wrote starting two years ago until April 17, 2013.

  3. Hi Susan, this a very strange story indeed. When I get a chance, I'm going to try to follow-up on this and any similar type situations to see if I can find out more information on what happened, why and how.

    In the meantime, I'm glad Google has acted promptly on your request. It seems that as big as Google is, they do listen.

    1. Rick,
      Thanks. Yes, very strange, especially how Bob found the other site. It was purely accidental.

      Let me know if you find anything out.

  4. Wonderful news! The last time I checked, he/she had not published the post where you announced the theft. I wondered if it was set up to automatically copy your blog, but I guess not.

    1. That is correct. No posts after April 17, 2013. They must have known I was on to them.

  5. Glad to hear that this has been taken care of although it does seem like there should be some sort of prosecution.

  6. I am glad Google is looking into the problem. I remember you said you just stumbled across the site, but how could someone find out if it is happening to them as well?

  7. Good to hear that Google acted so fast to shut down the other site. There are all kinds of people out there who do weird things for reasons that are hard to decipher by us normal people.

  8. Thanks, Susan! So glad you took action with this problem.


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