Monday, October 28, 2013

Gas Price Plummets! - Mon., Oct. 28

Last week we paid $3.00/gallon for regular unleaded. Yesterday we filled the tank with gas that cost $2.94/gallon. We haven't seen prices that cheap since 2009.

It's a busy week. I'm working every day through Saturday. On Sunday, we're doing a New Braunfels Wurstfest Volksmarch with our good friends Jim & Peri who are back from their summer road trip. All paid walkers ($3 per person) get free admission to the Wurstfest ($8.00 value). Sounds like a lot of fun.

Bob felt good during his 11-mile run on Saturday and on our 10.2 miles of walking yesterday; however today his knee hurts and he's putting ice packs on it. Not good timing because he's training for the San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Half Marathon on November 17. Hopefully it will go away with rest, elevation and ice.

When I arrived home at 6:00 p.m. Bob was already here. What a nice surprise. He had replaced the blue water filter on our incoming fresh water hose, took out all the recycling (boxes from Costco and cans from making chili), and made a nice salad. I told Bob how nice that was and he said, mocking me, "Where is my husband and what have you done with him?"  Well, Bob, I don't have to say that because you're always helping out around the 5er. <3

Short little blog today to balance out yesterday's long one.

Yesterday Sunnie was in a box. Today, it's Bowie in a boot box...

Travel Bug out.


  1. Could you send some of that cheap gas to Oregon? It's gone down some but nowhere near those prices!

    1. I wish I could! It's unbelievable to me the difference in prices between here and Oregon. I don't know if it's because Oregon has super high gas taxes or if it's because Texas has the oil fields. It's all a mystery to me.

  2. You two are a wonder with your walking. I was never able to do a long run one day and a long hike he next without my legs objecting in some way. They liked a day of rest in between. Hope Bob's will be fine with rest too.

    1. I looooove walking, but hate running. Bob would rather run, but he makes it a point to walk with me once a week. So sweet.

  3. I have no idea what gas is doing here as I only fill up about every other week and I am nearing that.

    I can't even imagine running for those kinds of distances. I walk 5 miles everyday but to run, I probably couldn't do a block. Impressive!

    1. I think it's impressive that you walk five miles every day. Good job.

  4. I thought I did so well filling up at Costco yesterday for $3.45/gal, but I guess it's great for California! I'm going on a Volksmarch this morning and will try to make it the full 10k, but may only do the 6k version. I haven't been on one of those walks for years1

  5. Wow, the gas is even lower than when I left TX. It cost me less than what I had planned, less than $500.00 for the entire trip. Since I don't have a car yet, I haven't noticed what it is here in AZ.
    There is no way that I could walk as much as you do. Right now I just walk to work, sometimes more than once.

  6. I forgot how much Bowie looks like our former cat Quincy. We miss that guy.
    We are glad to be out of CA where we paid over $4/gallon for gas. It's down in the $3.30s here in Utah so we think that is great. Texas prices sound even better!


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