Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday Afternoon - Oct. 22

Weather in San Antonio is perfect. Daytime high is 78, lows in the 50s. With our repaired screen door we can leave the front door open and the kitties can "hunt" birds and lizards with ease.

Cats "hunting" birds and lizards...thoroughly engrossed!
Before I finish the afternoon, let's back up to this morning. Bob headed off to work a little later this morning as he took a break from working out at the gym. I wasn't far behind as I headed out for a 5K (3.1 mi) Volksmarch at Salado Creek Greenway.

Appropriately dressed for the morning chill in blue jeans and a sweat shirt, I completed the walk in 40 minutes. Not many other people were out and about. I passed six walkers, eight bikers passed me, and I nodded at three joggers going the opposite direction.

Flowers along the trail.
Salado Creek Greenway Trail.
After a shower at home, Bob and I had a date for lunch at Asian Fire restaurant. We wanted to acknowledge our two-year anniversary of being on the road. A recap of last year had us reminiscing fondly about our seven-week road trip to Mesa Verde National Park (N.P), Black Canyon of the Gunnison N.P., Yellowstone N.P., Black Hills of South Dakota, Custer State Park, Mt. Rushmore, Minuteman Missile National Historic Site, Badlands N.P. and sites along the Oregon Trail.

Our other major adventure last year was a six-week vacation, sans RV, to Australia. Use of accumulated Hawaiian air miles and three weeks of timeshares made the trip possible. We did have rental car, car insurance, food and attraction expenses in Australia, but credit took care of that. Words don't do justice to the fantastic time we had. We spent a week at each destination and saw as many waterfalls as possible. Our last week in Australia was dedicated to traveling The Great Ocean Road which wasn't originally in our plans. All I can say is, some of our best memories were made on our ocean road driving trip - glow worms in the forest at night, koalas in the trees, gorgeous king parrots eating out of our hands, and spectacular ocean scenery. 2012 was quite a year.

Oh, there was one other trip of the not so fun kind. But those wounds are healed and our plans for 2013-2014 have changed accordingly. We are in stay-in-Texas-work-and-pay-off-debt mode.

Speaking of which, we are now officially Texans with Texas license plates and driver's licenses. Yee haw!

More work has come my way...the insurance office wants me back tomorrow and Monday and our RV park office has asked me to work the next four Saturdays (in addition to Thursday and Fridays). Yay, love that income!! Robert Half Office Team also offered me two jobs, but both were hours I couldn't accept. One was 4-8 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the other was Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. When it rains it pours.

Here are photos of what the cats were "hunting" from inside our 5er...

Quite a large lizard!
Beautiful pattern.
White-winged dove.
White-winged doves.
 And then late afternoon arrived. Cat nap time!

 Sunnie and Bowie.
Thanks for spending the day with us. This is typical full-time RVing for us and we like it. Our current mind-set is we could be full-timing for another 10-15 years! Yeah, baby!

Travel Bug out.


  1. Like your new screen door. I put a plexiglass panel on mine for the dachsies.

    1. Our mobile RV repairman recommended this heavy duty metal mesh that goes over the screen. Air flows through and the cats don't like it. Win-win.

  2. Congrats on becoming Texans! I was very excited when I completed the process.


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