Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The Lego Movie - Wed., Feb. 12

Who thinks up this stuff? Whoever they are, I'm ecstatic.

"The Lego Movie" is creative, surprising, frenetic, clever, and has cartoon cameos. I don't want to give anything away because I love being delighted and hope you do too. I recommend you don't read too many reviews that might give away plot lines, humor and what happens.

My friend Susan and I weren't going to see it, but after we each read reviews in our respective "Entertainment Weekly" magazines, we decided to give it a try. Made us feel good. I'm glad we kept an open mind about the movie. Just...WOW!

"Everything is awesome!"

Birds at our feeder today were the cardinals and a wren. In the tree next to the feeder, a yellow-bellied sapsucker stopped for a meal.

Yellow-bellied sapsucker
See red patch at front of crown? It's a yellow-bellied sapsucker.
After Susan and i left the movie theater, we came out to a beautiful evening.

The theater we went to

"Everything is awesome."


  1. Thanks for the movie tip. I almost never go in protest over the ridiculous ever increasing cost of tickets and even more ridiculous salaries the "stars" make. Would it be less great as a DVD??

    1. My protest hasn't been the ticket prices as I can usually find an early matinee for $4.50. What I'm not liking is the blatant product pushing. Marketing to the extreme. I wasn't going to go for that reason...but the movie was just excellent, even if it was weird in parts.

      The same protest goes for the Coca Cola movie about polar bears coming out later this year.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks. The moon looked so surreal surrounded by those clouds.

  3. Thanks for the heads up on this movie. We'll be back in Phoenix visiting our son next week and that'll be a great movie for all of us to go to. Our son was crazy about Legos as a child.
    Our stay in San Antonio was way too short and the weather not agreeable but we loved it and will return for a longer stay. We were especially pleased with our campsite at Canyon Lake. Thanks for all the info in your posts. I've referred others over to your site as well. Perhaps on our next time through, we can manage a meet up for lunch / dinner. Have fun in Vegas :-)

    1. Everyone raves about their campsites at Canyon Lake. We're going to have to take a weekend trip up there to check it out. Did you stay at Potter's Creek? If so, what site were you in?

      Thank you for the referrals. That's sweet of you.

      Look us up the next time you're in San Antonio, for sure.

  4. Thanks, we were on the fence whether to see it or not.


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