Monday, April 7, 2014

Feathers, Flowers, Fireworks, and Friends - Mon., Apr. 7

Saturday morning was cold and windy. Bob headed off to the gym to play basketball. Gone were my plans to drive an hour to San Marcos, do a Volksmarch, and drive an hour back. Sleep called my name and I curled up with the cats and slept until 10:20 a.m.

Bob returned at noon. He had free tickets for the San Antonio Botanical Garden courtesy of the AIA (American Institute of Architects). The current special exhibit "Birdhouses" is sponsored by architectural firms and other sponsors.

We hadn't had breakfast so Bob and I ate at The Carriage House Restaurant at the entrance to the botanic garden. The building used to be a carriage house.

The Carriage House Restaurant
Quilt on the wall above our table.
After lunch, we entered the botanic garden. An abundance of beautiful flowers awaited. My favorite garden was The Old Fashioned Garden.

Here then is a photo blog of feathers, flowers, and "fireworks." Friends will follow these photos.

Female mallard
Male mallard
Beautiful feather pattern.
"I'm askin' you nice, would you feed me?"
Northern cardinal
Peek-a-boo, I see you.
Long-billed thrasher
Long-billed thrasher
Green heron
Persimmon blossom

Oxalis flowers
Pink evening primroses
Germander (mint family)
Water lily

Perennial larkspur
Bob in The Old-Fashioned Garden
"Fireworks" (courtesy of Mother Nature):

Golden barrel cactus

Blue mist flower
Bear grass

Nosebleed yarrow
Hardy crinum (amaryllis)
Nicotiana alata

We capped off our day celebrating the birthday of a friend at Traveler's World RV Park. He invited all of his closest friends and cooked a sausage "stew" with kielbasas, cabbage, potatoes, and carrots cooked in beer. So scrumptious! Sides included coleslaw, deviled eggs, candied walnuts, Caesar salad, garlic bread, chocolate chip cookies, sponge cake with whipped cream and strawberries, chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream.

There was enough booze flowing freely to give all 60 people there DUIs if we had to drive anywhere, which we didn't. We walked home. Particularly good was the fireball whiskey, very cinnamon-y. I had a shot and followed it with a chaser of a couple sips of Redd's Apple Ale. That tasted pretty good.

Thank you Bob and Pam for a fun evening, despite the rain. Yes, it rained in April in south Texas. Temperature was in the 60s and everyone was wearing coats, hats, some had umbrellas and others went back to their RVs and brought out their blankets. Partway through the evening, some propane-fueled firebowls were put out and we huddled up around those. The rain eventually stopped and Bob opened his cards and gifts.

Bob and I headed home and watched "Margin Call." We didn't particularly like it. I gave it two stars out of five.

Welcome to Cathy who writes the Cold Lake Cathy blog. She, too, is doing the A-to-Z Challenge. Thanks for following along, Cathy.

Travel Bug out.


  1. It's interesting how a couple weeks can change the views at the Botanical Garden. Good job on the "F" words.

  2. It just took a few days of sun and blooms just popped out! I plan to go back again next Saturday.

  3. Awesome photos! I could spend hours in just about any Botanical Garden!

  4. Me too, and it was hours. Bob was botanic gardened out.

  5. Wow, what a fun day and beautiful sights! Sounds wonderful. Happy A to Z!

  6. Beautiful images - lovely to share them, thank you.

  7. Your pictures are just beautiful. Really exquisite feather shots and flower close ups. I think your day of birds and flowers was much better than a volksmarch.

    1. Thanks, Sherry. I love the botanic gardens. Bob pointed out two of the birds to me. He found the green heron and the thrasher. There was another bird he found, sounded like a woodpecker and was getting insects out of the tree, but we just couldn't get a clear sighting on it.


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