Friday, April 25, 2014

Stuck on U - Thurs., Apr. 24

In our gate guarding get up from June 2012.
OK, this is the first time in the A-to-Z Blogging Challenge that I've been totally stumped on a letter. A "U" letter just isn't presenting itself for a good blog.

I've thought of:
  • under - that sounded too negative: undertaker, underground, underdeveloped, underutilized ... no, not my word.
  • ubiquitous - hmm, what does that mean exactly? Having or seeming to have the ability to be everywhere at once; omnipresent ... nope again.
  • utilitarian - pertaining to usefulness rather than beauty, ornamentation, etc.; designed for use rather than beauty. Sounds too much like a utility knife or an iron. Not my word.
  • understanding - a pretty good word, but not my word.
  • uppity - close, but not quite.
My aha moment, and this just came to me (a day late): unique. I am unique and so are you! Thank you, I take a bow for finally choosing a just-right word.

All it took was putting on the ole thinking cap and some free association.

Travel Bug out.


  1. I was going to say universal but I like unique better. Unicorn came to mind too, but that doesn't fit for everyone...

    1. Universal is a good word, but unicorn?? You are too funny.

  2. How about all the unusual places, events or things you have experienced.


Please let me know what you think, your experiences, and constructive criticism to make this blog stronger.