Thursday, June 12, 2014

Two Susans to Go...Prequel - Thurs., June 12

Tomorrow's the big day! Susan and I are off on our 5,000+ mile road trip to walk in seven state capitals (Phoenix, AZ; Carson City, NV; Sacramento, CA; Salem, OR; Boise, ID; Salt Lake City, UT, and Santa Fe, NM).

In addition to the state capitals, we will be doing seven walks in four days during the Columbia River Classic Biennial Volkssport weekend. Lots of waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon which means some steep hikes to do.

Packing has been progressing well. I hope everything fits in Susan's compact car!

The kitties are great helpers as evidenced by the following photo:

"Let's help mom pack...SHOELACES!!!!"
Excitement is building up to our departure tomorrow afternoon. Lookout everybody, a whirlwind is coming. A whirlwind tour that is. We plan to drive over 5,000 miles in 2-1/2 weeks. We have our motels reserved along the way and plan to see national and state parks in addition to the state capitals and Columbia River Gorge.

We'll have to see how we do in the heat as there are some pretty high temperatures predicted along the way.

I'll write my blog as I have time and wi-fi connection.

Travel Bug out.


  1. All the best for your road trip. I got excited when i read your post. Have a nice time!

  2. Wow, have a great time. That's a lot of ground to cover in a short period of time.

  3. Thanks quite the journey you have planned. We will be expecting pictures as time and wi-fi allow.

  4. Let me know when you're back in Oregon. I'll try and meet up with you this time. Happy travels! :)

  5. Have a great time and I look forward to plenty of photos and tales. Gal pal road trips are always fun....enjoy!

  6. Didn't know New Mexico has two capitals :-)

  7. Have a wonderful trip, sounds like fun, enjoy and safe travels.


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