Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Little Help from a Friend - Sun., Aug.17

A few days ago we bought our new Vizio HDMI flat-screen TV. For the life of us, we couldn't figure out how to hook up our Pioneer DVD/CD player and surround sound. Bob had everything taken apart and then  tried hooking up a Sony DVD player (extra one -- in addition to the Pioneer DVD/CD player -- that came with our rig), but all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put everything back together again in a fashion to make it all work cohesively.

Enter Ralph, my co-worker in the RV park office. I mentioned at work that we had been to Best Buy, looked at new DVD players, other cables/wires, and Bob had made a valiant effort to get our new TV to communicate with our old technology. No go. Ralph said he'd take a look at it because he thought it was a set-up similar to his new TV and old DVD player and he'd see what he could do.

Ralph at Random
Sunday after church, Ralph came over and looked at all of our components, assessed the situation, and told us we needed the 5-prong Monster cable to hook from our previously superfluous Sony (which was a precursor to HDMI technology) to our new TV, then we could run a cable out to the old Pioneer DVD/CD player to connect it all up with the surround sound system. He thought he had a 5-prong Monster cable "laying around" his rig that he wasn't using.

Long story shorter, he went back to his RV, found the 5-prong Monster cable, brought it back to our 5er, and hooked everything up. Voila! We now have working TV, DVD, CD and surround sound for all of it. Thanks, Ralph! I owe you some lunches at work. You saved us from buying a new DVD player and all new cables.

Sunday night, we watched a re-run of American Ninja Warrior to catch up before Monday night's Part 1 finals. It looks so much better on our new TV!

Over and out.

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