Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Update on Bob - Tues., Aug. 19

Today is the day of Bob's cardioversion. We arrived at the hospital at 7:00 a.m. They took him back to the Catheterization Lab to prep him for his cardioversion. A few minutes later, the nurse came out to take me back to see Bob.

He was in normal sinus rhythm so they didn't have to cardiovert him. Yay!

They did want us to stick around to see Bob's doctor who was supposed to be in at 9:00 a.m. At 10:00 a.m. we were still waiting for the doctor. I had read two Entertainment Weekly magazines and made it half-way through a third. The doctor finally showed up about 10:20 a.m.

He talked to Bob for about 10 minutes, answered Bob's questions and sent us on our way. (We had been there 3-1/2 hours.) The doctor was pretty concerned that Bob's pulse was only 40, but Bob normally has a low pulse. Of course the first thing he wanted to do was put Bob on medication. However, the preferred medication would lower Bob's pulse even more, so that was not an option. The other medication he wanted Bob to use was one Bob had a bad reaction to in the past, so no go there either. Fine with us, we don't like to take medications.

Basically the doctor told Bob to continue his normal, everyday activities including basketball and marathon training. He wants Bob to make an appointment for two months from now (when we get back from our Michigan road trip).

Bob says if anything happens while we're on our trip, he's sure there are cardiologists in Wisconsin and Michigan. He plans to keep on doing what he's doing.

Tonight we're going to the Randolph Roadrunner's Volksmarch Club meeting at the University City Library. Tonight is a special program by Charlotte Kahl (Chair, Old Spanish Trail 100) on Hannibal Pianta, architectural sculptor. Mr. Pianta is responsible for a lot of the cement decorations that grace old buildings in downtown San Antonio and throughout Texas. Tonight we will learn about his art work and how it ties in to the Old Spanish Trail. Our club is serving free pizza, salad and dessert! Looking forward to it. I'll have a full report tomorrow.

I want to give a big shout out to Bob's mom, Louise. A few years ago, she made a "tree" for me to hang my souvenir and Volksmarch pin collection on. It was completely full. I asked her if she could make another one and sure enough last week I got one in the mail. I think I'm going to move all my Volksmarch pins to the new tree. You can see in the photo below how full the tree on the left is. The new one is a clean slate. Thank you, Louise, now I can go back to collecting my souvenir pins and be able to display them. I LOVE these display trees.

Here, too, is a photo of my patches I have earned Volksmarching. There are more somewhere but they're probably in storage in Oregon. (Do you like my high-tech, double-sided tape display?)

Volksmarch club and award patches
Snuggle bugs Sunnie and Bowie.
 Travel Bug out.


  1. Wonderful news about Bob! Enjoy your trip North!

    1. Yes, we both hope Bob will not have too many more problems with his AFIB, but he did have a pretty bad episode on Saturday. Our plan is to leave on Sept. 20 on our trip north.

  2. So glad to hear that Bob is back to living his life as he wants to. That's great news. I think you are a professional Volksmarcher!

    1. Bob is able to live his life as he wants to until or if AFIB gets to be a problem again, then he will need a more extensive catheter ablation procedure which is much more complicated than the last one he had.

  3. That's great news about Bob! Hopefully, everything will behave as it should and you'll have a great road trip.

  4. Glad to hear Bob is back in NSR! Love the trees! My mom had made us a Christmas Tree Pin Pillow to put all of our pins on. Girls seem to get a lot of pins in the 50s and 60s. I think they went along with charm bracelets. I love mine, so I made the trees for my kids and my sister's kids. Every body gets a pin for their tree for Christmas. Thanks for sharing! Have a great time in Wisconsin and Michigan!

    1. Another "tree" aficionado. They are so cool to put pins on.

      We are so excited for our upcoming travel!!!

  5. Seems like the news is good but I think Bob has the right idea. You can't put everything on hold just in case since you never know when the problem will crop up. Looks like I will miss you here in Michigan as I will be back in Texas before you leave. Hope we can get together then. Bring warm clothes up here in Sep....Michigan's idea of warm doesn't match ours at all. I have a blanket and bedspread on the bed in August and all the windows closed at night. lol

    1. Colleen, We will have all our blankets and coats with us in the 5th wheel. Expecting cold...just hope no rain and howling wind coming off the Great Lakes. If we do have that kind of weather we'll just have to deal with it the best we can.

      When will you be back in Texas?


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