Tuesday, September 2, 2014

B's Knees and Sundry Stuff - Tuesday, Sep. 2

Can you believe it? Autumn is just around the corner (20 days)! Our plan is to be on our way to Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula for fall colors and waterfall hiking. We hope to usher in fall in Wisconsin. Road trip coming up!

First Bob had to have his knees examined. About 1-1/2 weeks ago, after starting training for the San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, his left knee flared up. His first thought was he had a torn meniscus much like the one he had on his right knee a few years ago in Hawaii.

Last Tuesday, Bob went to see an orthopedist who said it most likely was not a torn meniscus. Thus started his day of medical appointments. His orthopedist sent him off for tests. When he returned back to his orthopedist's office, the results had come in. It was not a tear of the meniscus causing his pain. Apparently the back of the knee does not drain fluid well. The fluid built up behind his knee causing a cyst to form. The doctor drained the cyst and gave him a steroid shot for pain. Bob limped around for a few more days and iced his knee frequently.

Fast forward to today, one week later. He says his knee feels better than it has in weeks. He is marathon training this evening. We'll see how he feels when he gets home. [He said he felt really good.]

We interrupt this blog to bring you -- da, da, da dah! -- cat photos!

Sunnie being a "tree" cat on top of our fridge.
You can tell this isn't Sunnie's first rodeo. Notice his form on the dismount. Cushions and pillows on the couch are his landing zone. Bowie is in the lower left of the following photo cheering Sunnie on.

Bowie the stretch cat
It amazes me how long a cat's tongue is!
Last Wednesday, I worked 9-5 in the State Farm office. Thursday and Friday were my work days in the RV park office.

Thursday night we went to see San Antonio Missions baseball with the San Antonio Explorers meet-up group. It was $1 beer and $1 hot dog night. Hot dog!

We sat next to a very nice couple, Jessica and Kareem. The game was rather boring, so we talked a lot. Turns out Jessica loves to walk. I invited her to walk with me on Saturday. My friend Susan had a bad hip and wanted to rest. Jessica said she'd let me know how her week-end was looking.

Friday I received a text from Jessica saying she wanted to do a walk on Saturday. We planned to do the historic churches walk in San Antonio.

Friday night, Bob and I ate 2-for-1 entrees at Green Vegetarian Cuisine at The Pearl.

Bike art wall at Green Vegetarian Cuisine
Cats and pizza bike. Clever.
Me at Green
Bob had enchiladas verdes and I chose 1/2 grilled cheese with dried tomato sandwich and a bowl of potato lentil soup. It came with pineapple. I also had green mint tea. Bob enjoyed his food thoroughly. The flavors of my dishes clashed with each other. To top things off, my tummy revolted at night and in the morning. I'm sure it was the weird combination of foods. I'm not doing that again. And no more pineapple the night before walking six miles!!

Saturday morning, Jessica and I met downtown for our 10K (6.2 mi.) walk throughout the streets of downtown San Antonio. I was most impressed by the new Tobin Center for the Performing Arts which is scheduled to open this Thursday. The new performing arts center was built behind, and incorporates, the historic Civic Auditorium facade.

Tobin Center for the Performing Arts - old facade,
new auditorium.
The historic Civic Auditorium entry.
The new auditorium - stunning.
Saturday at 6 p.m., our RV park put on a hot dog roast for Labor Day weekend. The park provided hot dogs, buns, chips, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, and condiments. Others in the park brought hamburgers, cole slaw, chili, sauerkraut and cheese. Quite a few people attended. The rec hall was about 1/2 full, which is very good for our slow season. After dinner Bob and I watched "Frozen," our Netflix selection.

Sunday, I took Bob to see "The Giver." For not liking sci-fi, he liked this movie okay. We hung out on Sunday and took it easy.

On Labor Day Bob got up early and walked ten miles. We did our home chores next. Bob got on the roof to re-repair the leak above our bed. Now we're waiting for another big rain storm to test the fix. He also cleaned the fins in the rooftop AC units. Then he came inside and went through his storage cupboard.

Sunnie "helping" Bob clean the cupboard.
"Look at me, Mom."
Bob also cleaned our two indoor desktop fans which had dust and cat hair stuck in them.

Meanwhile, I defrosted and cleaned the refrigerator/freezer, cooked chicken stir fry, made a big salad, and vacuumed. We watched "60 Minutes" and then a few episodes of "Naked and Afraid."

Today, I worked 9-4 at the insurance office. This evening Bob is out marathon training. As I brought things in from the car after work, I must have dropped my car keys. Searched the ground outside, nothing. When I looked in the car, there they were on the driver's-side seat. I locked my keys in the car. Oops. When Bob got home, he unlocked my car with his key.

Tomorrow I have an optometrist appointment at Costco, and will take care of our Costco shopping list while at the store. Then Thursday and Friday, I work in the RV park office.

Saturday and Sunday Susan and I plan to Volksmarch each day. That's how this week is shaping up.

Three weeks until we leave on our Wisconsin/Michigan road trip. Woo hoo! If any of you know of roads that are not 33' 5th wheel compatible (low overpasses, steep railroad grades, big dips in the road, etc.) around eastern Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula and "mitten" of Michigan, please let us know. We bought the Rand McNally 2015 Motor Carrier's Road Atlas which has low overpasses listed. We do not have GPS.

Thanks for your help.

Travel Bug out.


  1. You are welcome to come stay at our park. We have 30 amp electric sites with water and dump station available for $20 per night. We'll be here until Oct. 6th. We're at Derge Park in Beaver Dam, Wisconsin.

  2. While living in our sticks and bricks, Noah our cat loved the top of the frig. Now, he has no high place to perch, poor thing.

    Sounds like you have some great walks ahead of you.

    1. Do you ever watch Jackson Galaxy's "My Cat from Hell" on Animal Planet? I love how he helps cat owners with "problem" cats. (Hint: Usually they're people problems.) Anyway, he classifies cats as tree cats or bush cats. Sunnie (refrigerator climber) is our tree cat. Bowie (stealth attacker from under the bed) is our bush cat.

  3. Wow I'm tired just reading about your week. All that working and cleaning and walking. I need a rest. LOL. What pace do you do when you are walking? I was a runner for years but unlike Bob I hated it and if I ran 5 miles in the morning I was no good for a hike in the afternoon so I quit the running and kept the hiking but the latter sure doesn't keep the weight off like the former did. Hope Bob's knee is ok for his training. Pineapple with potato soup sounds very odd to me. No wonder your stomach didn't like it.

    1. Sherry, we walk about a 15-minute mile, but adjust that for picture taking and sightseeing along the route. I, too, hate running. Just not my thing. But walking and hiking sure are!

      So far, so good with Bob's knee; although he did say it was a little stiff after basketball yesterday.

  4. LOL - I'm such a dunce (and obvious couch potato) - I thought a Rock and Roll Marathon would be about playing guitar or dancing! I agree with Sherry - your schedule leaves me feeling pooped! I did go so far as looking up volksmarching to see what it was all about though.

    1. Betsy, you're toooo funny. Rock 'n' Roll Marathons are big business for the running crowd. Bands play all along the route so the runners have music to keep their feet (and brains) humming along.

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you. The subjects (or should I say, "the Royals") enjoy having their pictures taken. LOL. Cats are so regal sometimes.

  6. Definitely leave your shorts at home when you come up here. Fall is already here. It's in the 50s at night and 70s during the day but next week the temps will be low 60s for the high here in central Mich with lows in the 40s. I'm heading out Tuesday for warmer temps.

    1. Colleen,
      Thanks for the heads up. I am keeping one eye on the weather on our route. If we have cold, clear weather we'll be good. It's good for hiking and fall colors. But if it's cold, windy and rainy, well that's another story. At least all the bugs will be gone! (Except TravelBug!)

  7. Since you talk about going up the East Coast of Wisconsin, I trust you will be checking out "Door County?"

    Every inch of it was fabulous. ..or at least we thought so.


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