Monday, October 20, 2014

Hustle and Bustle - Mon., Oct. 20, 2014

Hither and yon. The last time you heard from us we were in Chelsea, Michigan on Saturday. I wanted to update you on our whereabouts, but I don't have time for a full blog now.

Here's a teaser...our walk in Ann Arbor was excellent. It focused on fairies, kind of, fairy doors to be specific. What's a fairy door, you may ask? We wondered the same thing and weren't sure what we were looking for. Luckily our Volksmarch directions told us where to look. Seems Ann Arbor denizens have taken a liking to cute little fairy doors. Take a quick look...
See the tiny door by Bob's foot? That's a fairy door!
The fairy doors are usually next to the front door. See below. The small door is a fairy door. I have put an enlarged version of the fairy door in the second photo below.

Front door with fairy door.
The fairy door
You can see little gifts people have left for the fairies: a pebble, a Lego and a candy. Who knew?

The Ann Arbor walk was Sunday morning. By Sunday evening we were in Columbus, Ohio at Alton RV Park ready for our state Capitol Volksmarch on Monday morning.

Monday morning, we were on the walk at 7:35 a.m. in downtown Columbus. 

Inside Columbus state Capitol
When we finished, we grabbed lunch at Taco Bell, packed up the 5th wheel and hit the road. 

Next stop, Indianapolis, Indiana. We were going to do the Indiana Capitol Volksmarch this afternoon, but I admit I dilly-dallied after we got here thinking we could start the walk until 7:00 p.m. We drove downtown to the start point only to find it closed at 5:00 p.m. Sigh. What's a person to do? Well, we grabbed a brochure with sights to see in downtown Indianapolis and took off walking. We'll do the Volksmarch in the morning.

We can tell you that we LOVE Indianapolis. Here's a few reasons why...

The Capitol
Tomorrow morning we will be up early to tour the Capitol and then do the Volksmarch (which I think we may have done part of tonight). Stay tuned for our location tomorrow night. 

Travel Bug out.


  1. We've never been to Indianapolis but hope to one day. Part of our goal to see all state capitols. Looks like a beautiful place. I've never seen fairy doors before...

    1. We can't wait to go back to Indy. It is quite a cosmopolitan city...lots of museums, restaurants, art, monuments, cultural events, history. It took us by surprise.

  2. LOVE the fairy doors (I didn't know what they were either) and looks like your Indianapolis walk was lovely if not "official"!

    1. Yes, the fairy doors are very cute. It's fun to look for them. I wonder if we could put one in the RV. LOL. NOT!

  3. Replies
    1. There were many more of the murals under the bridge and the one I put in the blog was only half of that mural. There was another dragon facing it. Pretty cool. If you get a chance, check out the two murals from Little Rock. One is a silhouette of a dog pulling a woman - it is on the outside of the Purse Museum. The other is all kinds of colorful, happy veggies next to a health food store/restaurant. See:

      P.S. Thanks for all your comments! Wow.


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