Monday, December 29, 2014

Gift Exchange Party - Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014

After working four ten-hour days, it was time for a fun Saturday night! Our RV park was hosting their annual Christmas Gift Exchange. Everyone brought a $10-$15 gift and all gifts were put in brown paper bags. The bags were all lined up on a long table.

Gifts all in brown paper bag wrappers.
Each person at the party drew a number out of a bag. The person with the lowest number started by choosing the first bag. No lifting or shaking the bags allowed. The rules state that once you touch a bag it's yours.  They open the bag in front of everyone, then have to display their gift throughout the evening.


The second person can choose either the gift the first person took or choose a new gift. If they choose the first person's gift, the first person gets to open another bag. This continues all evening. A gift can be stolen twice, then stays with the third person in possession of it until the end of the evening. At the end of the evening, the person with #1 can choose any gift in the room or take the remaining present.

Margaret looking for a gift to steal.

A well-attended party
Skip on his way to choose a bag.
Tom and Linda with their six pack

The most popular gifts of the evening were small tool sets, wine, liquor and movie tickets. The funniest gift was a "Cock Stopper" wine bottle stopper that had a rooster on top of it. Everyone laughed and laughed when that present was opened.

We ended up with a Big Bib BBQ gift card and a bottle of Moscato wine. Very nice.

At the end of the gift exchange, our park manager DJ'd a few songs so we could dance. We had a great time.

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