Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Bob's Neck Surgery is Today - Wed., March 11, 2015

A quick update: Early this afternoon Bob will have neck surgery to remove the remaining skin cancer (basal cell) from his neck muscle. Bob will be under general anesthesia for this procedure. (His last procedure was local anesthetic only.) The plastic surgeon thinks he will be able to do a skin flap rather than a skin graft to cover the neck wound.

This is outpatient surgery, so we should be out of the hospital this evening some time. Thank you in advance for sending healing thoughts and prayers our way.


  1. Definitely am sending them to you with my best wishes for a full and speedy recovery and NO recurrence.

  2. Hoping all goes well and he heals rapidly.

  3. Sending lots of good wishes for a smooth procedure and recovery. Will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Be Well!

  4. Bob is in our prayers. Please keep us posted on his recovery.

  5. I hope all goes well and will be thinking of you.

  6. We will be thinking of Bob today... and wishing you a calm and relaxing wait while he gets done what needs to get done. So much better to take care of it now, than the alternative! You are both in our prayers...
    KarenInTheWoods and Steveio
    (Blog) RVing: The USA Is Our Big Backyard

  7. Good luck to Bob today, you are both in my thoughts and prayers. I hope he has a successful surgery and quick recovery. :)

  8. Wishing Bob an uneventful surgery and quick, full recovery!

  9. Good luck Bob. My wife just had a similar surgery this pasted week. Still has some stiches. This was on her back. The fourth time foe her; Again good luck.


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