Saturday, March 7, 2015

Cow Chip Tossing, Barrel Racing, and Steer Lassoing - Sunday, March 1, 2015

Not to mention Pony Express Riding, Chuckwagon Races, and Horseshoes. All those events were NOT at the San Antonio Stock Show and Rodeo, they were all part of our Travelers World RV Park "Olympics" with a rodeo theme.

What an afternoon we had. The park closed the office at noon so all of us could participate in the shenanigans.

If only Mother Nature had cooperated. You will see in the photos that we are all snuggled into our winter clothes. Besides the cold, the rain made an appearance for part of the afternoon. Luckily our rodeo came complete with "campfires."

I'll let the pictures tell most of the story...

It took a big ladder to get a group photo!
Jocelyne at the horseshoe toss
Dixie lassoing our homemade steer
Pretty cool steer!
Homemade steed for barrel racing
Randy preparing to toss "cow chips."
She uses great form in her toss.
Another cow chip tosser
The spectators and participants
Guys staying dry during the rain
Barrel racing start point
Another barrel racer heading to the finish line
Referees conferring on scores
Staying warm by the "campfire."
Our corral.
Eating cold beanie weenies by the cold campfire in the rain.
Faster! Faster! This is the Chuckwagon Race.
One of the Chuckwagon Race lead riders.
Racing the chuckwagon back to the finish line.
Tom, our red team captain.
Francine doing a Pony Express competition puzzle
Brandon with a big brewski
Paula with her cowboy boot Koozie
Gail's beautiful vest
A proud Winter Texan
Tom and Delia of the red team
Gloria of the blue team at the Pony Express puzzle.
After all the competitions, we had a cowboy supper of hot dogs with all the fixin's, chili, potato chips, and cookies. When the meal was over, medals were awarded to the top three teams. (Our team came in fourth out of six teams.) We were then treated to accordion music.

It was quite an eventful afternoon. I slept good on Sunday night.

Travel Bug out.


  1. Looks like everyone had a blast! While I'm not much into playing games this looked like fun!

  2. What a hoot, looks like a great time was had by all.

  3. OMG what-a-HOOT!!!! Everyone looks like they had fun.


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