Monday, April 13, 2015

Kirk, Captain James T. - Earth date: Mon., April 13, 2015

Captain's log, Stardate 11504.13. Earth. An away team headed by Mister Spock has taken Shuttlecraft Galileo to the planet surface. Their mission: gather data on 21st century climate. Orders include no interaction with humans. Data gathering must take place in remote areas around the planet, including volcanic zones, ice sheets, snow packs, reservoirs, and oceans. Fresh water supplies are in danger and fresh water is critical to the survival of Earth's humans, plants and animals.

Okay, no Star Trek show really had that Captain's log. But I loved the show. Even though the original Star Trek was so cheesy and hokey, I liked the creativity that went into each episode.

My younger brother, Frank, is the one who originally told me I should watch the show when I was in high school. I told him I wasn't interested, but he said I should watch an episode and then decide. So I did watch and I have been watching ever since: The Next Generation, Deep Space 9, and Voyager, plus the movies those spawned.

Hey, Frank, I don't know if you've been into all the Star Trek iterations or not. But thank you for getting me started on watching. It added another dimension to my life.


  1. My dad and I watched Star Trek in reruns when I was a kid. I too love the show and all the other spinoffs. One of my favorites is Q. He was so much fun.

    1. My favorites were Spock, Jadzia Dax, Kes and Captain Janeway.

  2. And to think CBS cancelled the original show. Bet whoever made that decision is still kicking himself! ;c)

  3. Old enough to be called a trekkie and like ALL things Star Trek, including the series you failed to mention, Enterprise.

    1. Actually, I forgot about "Enterprise." I watched a few episodes, but it never resonated with me, so I gave up on it. Thanks for the reminder.


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