Thursday, April 16, 2015

NIght Owl - Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ever since I was old enough to read, I've been a night owl. A good book would have me reading until late. The usual refrain around our childhood home at night was, "Susan, turn off the light and go to sleep."

High school was the same thing, night time was my escape into reading. Unfortunately for my younger sister, we shared a room. The light kept her awake. Sometimes after she fell asleep, I turned on the light and read more. Again, my parents would yell up the stairs, "Susan, turn off the light and go to sleep."

My natural body rhythm wants to be awake and alert from around 11:00 p.m. until about 3:00 a.m. Then I like to sleep until the late morning hours. Don't ask me why. I can't explain it. Just like I can't explain why I'm left-handed.  It's not better or worse than any other body rhythm schedule. It just is. Problem is, it doesn't conform to the majority of people's expectations of a normal sleep-wake cycle.

In my 20s and 30s I was a medical transcriptionist. I worked for major hospitals or private companies and was able to work swing shift which was perfect for me.

To this day, I enjoy staying up late. It's the best time for me to think and write. Just call me night owl.


  1. Nothing wrong with working with your body instead of against it.

  2. I stay up late too and make between 6:30-7:00 my wake up call. Paul can't understand how I cannot go to bed before 11:30. I do not take any naps during the day. I just can't go to bed early. I with you, "night owl."

    1. I can't go to bed early, either, and no naps during the day. Seems like every time Bob sits down in a recliner, he is napping. I don't know how he does it!

  3. I enjoy being left handed. It makes us a little different, but I could never stay up that late.

    1. Yes, I think it causes us to use a different part of our brain.

  4. I have a theory about body clocks. Whatever time you were born, is the time of day that you are most productive. I was born about 5:30am, and mornings from 5 to about 10 are my best times of day. Do you know when you were born?

    1. My mom said I was born around dinnertime, but then said about 7:30 p.m. That was Michigan time, which is the time zone I'm now in...but lived the rest of my life on the West Coast and in Hawaii.

    2. Betsy, I was born in the evening, but my most productive time is early mornings. I do wonder about the Yearly body clock, or cycle, though, because I noticed I always feel a surge of motivation and focus as my birth month approaches each year. I was born in the fall, and that's when I hit peak productivity, it seems.

    3. LOL - Trudy you must be the exception to my rule ;) I also think early childhood training plays a role. I wish I would feel a surge of motivation close to my birth month (June) - as my garden always needs it!

  5. Hello there.
    From the time I could read, I have always loved books. I too used to share a room with my sister, but I got around the light issue by reading under the covers with a flashlight...that's probably what ruined my eyes...squinting to see from the tiny light! (lol) Even today with all of its interactive electronic media, it has its uses, but give me a good book any day and I'm happy!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Entrepreneurial Goddess

    1. I did some nights with a flashlight under the covers as well. Doctor told me my loss of eyesight was from reading at night with inadequate light. I have since read that that would not make eyesight worse. I never know who to believe!

  6. Stopping by from A to Z Challenge. I can relate to being a night owl, though I've heard it's better to be in bed w/ eyes closed at 11 pm to 3 am because there are important body functions that need rest then.

    By the way, if you blog hop, please include your link if you comment so that others can find you easily and reciprocate any comments. Also other people who read your comment can find you and visit you.

    Maui Jungalow

    1. Courtney,
      Thank you for stopping by on the blog hop. Trust me, sometimes my body lets me know it's time to sleep...I snooze in my chair!


  7. I relate! Now that I am retired, I have given way to the regular body rythmn and guess what - I think I would do well with two sleeps! I read an article on this and apparently our ancestors in Europe embraced this. They even wrote poems about it. In winter, go to bed early and wake up 4 hours later. Stay up for 4 and then sleep for 4. This has happened and I feel refreshed. Unfortunately my partner does not! A compromise is in discussion. Love your blog.

  8. Glad to know I'm not the only night owl. Helped me a lot on late night stakeouts. Now I stay up late just for fun. Sunrises are over rated... :cD

  9. I used to be a night owl, and now I am a morning person. And I'm talking early, early, morning person. I usually rise at 4:00, and get almost giddy if I wake even earlier (like around 3:30). I love the quiet morning hours. Best hours of my day.

  10. I am slowly becoming a night owl, been staying up way too late lately, 4 or 5 am sometimes. Stopping by from A-Z.
    I like your blog so I'm following you now.


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