Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Q Words in Scrabble - Monday, April 20, 2015

Today's blog is brought to you by Q words used in Scrabble (not a comprehensive list).

1. Physical life force (from Chinese qi, "air, breath"
2. (In Oriental medicine, martial arts, etc.) vital energy believed to circulate round the body in currents. A variant of chi.

A variant of koph, the 19th letter of the Hebrew alphabet transliterated as q.

1. an overly forward, impudent woman; shrew; hussy
2. a prostitute
3. British dialect. a girl or young woman, especially a robust one

1. A set of 24 uniform sheets of paper
2. Bookbinding. A section of printed leaves in proper sequence after folding; gathering 

That's it for today: quick and quintessential.


  1. If I could only remember these when I am playing Words With Friends.

  2. Qi is my go to scrabble word. It's always so hard to think of one!

  3. Thanks, going to use these tonight against my mother in law.


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