Friday, April 24, 2015

Up - Friday, April 24, 2015

Who knew that an animated film could have such a profound impact on my psyche? Have you seen "Up," a movie about childhood friends who fell in love, got married, dreamed of going on a trip of a lifetime, then had setbacks?

If you haven't seen it, forget about it being a cartoon. Within the first 15 minutes, you will need tissues because it will touch your heart. Profoundly.

My funny bone was tickled, heartstrings were tugged, and my eyes cried a waterfall. The movie made me realize what a treasure it is to be married to my best friend, that a life shared requires sacrifices, things don't always go the way you plan, do what you want while you're young enough to enjoy it, live life with no regrets (limit your "coulda, woulda, shoulda's"), and always express your love for each other.

In the beginning of the movie we meet two young kids, Carl and Ellie, exploring an old house which becomes their fort. Over the years they fall in love, buy the old house, restore it, live there for years, and save for their trip to Paradise Falls.

However, Ellie dies before they take their trip of a lifetime. New construction is going on around the house. Carl accidentally injures a construction worker and a court orders him to move into a retirement home. Carl does not want to go to a retirement home so he plans a way to move his house to South America to be near Paradise Falls. His plan involves lots and lots of helium balloons.

As his house is lifting off from its foundations, a Wilderness Explorer Scout is trying to help the old man. The scout lifts off into the clouds and is trapped with Carl in the floating house. They make it to South America, but are a distance away from Paradise Falls. They start to "walk" the floating house to the cliff overlooking the falls.

Their adventure takes some crazy turns, but it is enjoyable cinema with many laughs. Dug the dog and "Kevin" the bird provide many crazy antics. If you haven't seen this movie, take time to watch it.


  1. "Up" is one of my favorite animated movies. I love how spunky Elle was as a kid and how Carl wanted to go to the falls for Elle. Kevin was good for Carl.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  2. It definitely is a favorite movie of mine and to make us pay attention to the shortness of life and putting off things like travel. "Squirrel?"

  3. That movie is one of my all time favorite movies!


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