Monday, September 7, 2015

What Were We Thinking? - Sunday, Sept. 6, 2015

Sunday of Labor Day weekend, 93 degrees, and we decide to do an outdoor activity? Not just any outdoor activity, but one put on by The Magik Theatre: Renaissance on the River AKA Shakespeare in the Park. It sounded like fun: jousting, juggling, Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), falconry, a Royal Court, Shakespearean movies and a play, wandering minstrels; eat, drink and be merry.

At 3:30 p.m., approaching the hottest part of the day, Bob, Susan M. and I boarded the city bus that would take us to La Villita, a walled in area of shops and restaurants in San Antonio along the River Walk, where the festivities were taking place.

When we exited the bus, a lady with bird seed was feeding the pigeons. Judging by the number of pigeons, I'd say this is a daily occurrence!

We walked 1/2 block from the bus stop and we were there.

Renaissance on the  River
Presented by The Magik Theatre
Once there, we wandered the walkways and alleys of La Villita to see what was happening. We found some wandering minstrels putting on a show. Hay bales provided seating in the shade and we watched for a spell. I think the heat made us woozy, for soon we were singing along with minstrels, under their spell.

Large strawberry lemonades hit the spot (but at $6 a pop, Susan had one, and Bob and I shared one). People watching was quite interesting and didn't require any extra energy. Bob and I shared a barbecued turkey leg for dinner. Many of the shops and art galleries were open in La Villita, so we casually browsed in air-conditioned comfort from time to time to cool off (after we finished eating, that is).

This guy is wearing total black leather!
Susan and I got in a little trouble while we were there. If you see these two hoodlums, don't tell anyone! We think we're pretty clever and can't stop smiling.

Since no one recognizes us, we are continuing on with our day. Fights broke out between members of the SCA and we watched, in awe that they could withstand the heat of being in those costumes in the full sun!

SCA battle
"I'm coming for you."
The referee
The guy below had the good job. He sat in the Scurvy Shower and people threw balls at a target which, if they hit it, released a water balloon on top of his head.

The Executioner - glad he didn't
recognize us!
At 5:00, we watched Faire to Middlin' sing. They're troubadours staying in "Ye Olde" Travelers World RV Resort. Just passin' through, of course. We loved their singing and would have stayed the full 1/2 hour if the belly dancers hadn't lured us away.

Playing the kazoo

Faire to Middlin'

Belly dancers weren't as good as
Faire to Middlin'!
By far the best part of our day was the falconry presentation by Last Chance Forever, Bird of Prey Rehabilitation and Education of the Public.

The falconry demonstration and education took place at the Arneson Theater overlooking the River and River Walk.

Arneson Theater seating - amphitheater style
Tour boat on the river
Our educator was very informative about birds of prey. The birds displayed were a red-tailed hawk, black vulture, great horned owl, screech owls, baywing (Harris) hawk, and two other kinds of hawks I can't remember the names of.

Our bird educator
Baywing (Harris) Hawk

Red-tailed hawk

Saker falcon
Saker falcon
Black vulture
Great horned owl
Great horned owl
Saker falcon

Baywing (Harris) Hawk
Red-tailed hawk learning to hunt
Red-tailed hawk learning to hunt
Screech owls are so adorable. They're little. One of the things we learned about them is their coloration varies depending on the type of forest they're in. The second screech owl below hunts in pine forests, so it has a pine coloration.
Screech owl
Screech owl
All of us were in awe of the bird show. We learned that owls can eat a skunk with rabies and survive. The birds of prey are miracles of nature, especially the vultures and owls who clean up the dead and diseased animals.

Then they brought out the symbol of our country: the bald eagle. Majestic!

Bald eagle has a 6' wing span
Bald eagle
Bald eagle
Talons on the bald eagle
The king of the Faire
The King's court

A Shakespearean actress

Saker falcon

In the photo below, the guy on the bottom is lying on broken glass and the lady is lying on a bed of nails. Creepy.

While there was still more to do (Shakespearean movies and The Winter's Tale play), we agreed it was too hot to stay any longer. We hopped on a bus to take us back to the RV park.

Bob is on track with his San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Marathon training schedule. He runs with a group and invited Lisa from our RV park to join the training group as she plans to run the marathon this year too. They have been riding together to training runs. Good job, Bob and Lisa!

I hope you're enjoying your Labor Day weekend! Where are you and what are you doing?


  1. The best birds of prey show we saw twice is in Tuscon at the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum. Fabulous show.

    The festival looks like a lot of fun and very diverse.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, Jan, we learned a lot from the show. In fact, apparently we can tour the rehabilitation facility if we give a two-week notice. I'm thinking about setting up a tour for Winter Texans/snowbirds who stay at Travelers World RV park this winter.

  3. This looks and sounds a lot like an official Renaissance Faire. I'd probably go out in 90 degree weather to do that too. I love them. Although I usually try to pick ones during cooler times of the year if possible. Those birds of prey are so beautiful and majestic. It does make me sad that they are no longer free. I'm in awe of the marathon Bob. I've done 10 milers but even a half marathon is too much running for me.


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