Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Museum Walk and Fur-Kid Photos - Monday, Jan. 11, 2016

Susan and I met on Monday morning to do the 10k (6.2 mi.) Museum Volksmarch. The museum in question is the Toilet Seat Museum. Unfortunately the Toilet Seat Museum was open on Saturday, not today. However, a couple of years ago we did the Volksmarch on the day the museum was open, so I will post some of those photos.

The walk today was much nicer than yesterday's walk. We walked through some beautiful neighborhoods with huge live oak trees sheltering the houses underneath.

Our route took us past a large dog park. Then we took a short detour to Olmos Park. We decided it would be nice to change next year's Museum Volksmarch to include the nature path in the park.

My only photo from today is of an adorable mailbox.

The next few photos are from the walk two years ago, showing the Toilet Seat Museum and part of the walk.
Neighborhood sidewalk in Alamo Heights

Toilet Seat Museum
Here's one travelers can relate to!
Pez dispensers

Boy Scout memorabilia and Native American decorations
As we were finishing the Museum Volksmarch, we stopped to have lunch at Canyon Cafe in the Quarry Shopping Center. Canyon Cafe is an upscale restaurant. After you order they bring fresh-made chips (potato, sweet potato, and corn) to your table along with excellent salsa.

For lunch we had fish tacos that were actual whole sides of fish, not chunks. Our plates came with beans and Spanish rice. That filled us up nicely and we walked the rest of the way back to our cars.

From the Quarry Shopping Center, we headed north to Santikos Embassy 14 Theaters to see "Carol." Neither of us cared much for this movie about a 1950's relationship that formed between an "older" wealthy socialite woman (Cate Blanchett) and a younger store clerk (Rooney Mara). The acting was good, but the story didn't engage us. Susan M. called it an odd movie.

After the movie we each headed our separate ways. I went shopping at Rack Room Shoes and found a pair of khaki Skechers I could wear to work, then headed home.

Tomorrow we will do our third 10k in row, so that will be 18.6 miles in three days. Stay tuned.

I have a few cute kitty photos to share...

Bob emptied his gym bag - Bowie jumped in
He slept in the gym bag for hours.
Bowie and Sunny
Bowie and Sunny

Travel Bug out.

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