Friday, April 29, 2016

I'm Published in Escapees magazine!! - Fri., April 29, 2016

As a writer, the mantra is "Write what you know." And wouldn't you know it? I wrote an article about Volksmarching and Escapees magazine accepted it. Look for "Let's Take a Walk" on page 31 in the May/June 2016 issue. I'm beyond excited, into exhilarated, and supremely proud of myself. I already have ideas for two other articles.

All of you who read my blog know how much I love to walk. There were three motivating factors for writing this article now:
  1. The weekend of June 10-12, 2016, is the 40th anniversary of the American Volkssport Association which was started in Fredericksburg, Texas. Multiple Volksmarches will be offered by the Texas Volkssport Association, including one walk that will follow the route of the very first Volksmarch in the U.S.
  2. I am the Publicity Chair of the Randolph Roadrunners Volksmarch Club in Universal City, Texas, and I told our Regional Director I would write an article about the event, and
  3. Our Southwest Regional Director Susan Medlin asked me if I had written the article yet and I hadn't. The magazine deadline was looming. I took a day on our Las Vegas trip and banged out the article, getting it in just before midnight on deadline day. (Thanks, Susan, for the push. I needed it.) By the way, she is the one who took the photo of Bob and I at Lost Maples that is in the article.
Anyway, for your health, get out and walk. Take photographs if you're so inclined. Enjoy the fresh air; find waterfalls, gardens, murals, pretty neighborhoods, bird watch, see wildlife, make new friends, walk through festivals, capitals, and flower fields--those types of walks are available for everyone.  If you're full-time RVers, you can find Volksmarches all over the U.S., and the world for that matter. The best thing is, the walks are non-competitive - you complete them at your own pace.

Here are a few favorite photos from some of our Volksmarches around the U.S.:

Hidden Falls, Cascade Canyon, Grand Tetons
One of three moose we saw: Cascade Canyon, Grand Tetons
Cascade Canyon Volksmarch: Grand Tetons N.P.
Mt. Washburn Volksmarch, Yellowstone N.P.
(Taken in 2012 when there was a large wildfire in Idaho)
Bob and I, Law Library in Des Moines, Iowa
State Capital
Madison, Wisconsin State Capital
Indianapolis Capital Volksmarch - a random mural
Having Volksmarched for 20 years, I have earned pins and badges for the distance and number of events I have done. Here is a photo of my pins. I don't have the badges on display yet.

If you're an Escapee, or even if you're not and can get your hands on the magazine, read the article and tell me what you think. I hope it inspires you to get out on some walks. RVing and Volksmarching go hand in hand and give you destinations and goals for some of the places you may be visiting.

To find events anywhere in the United States, go to Click on the "Events" tab at the top of the page. On the drop down box, click "Search Events." If you just enter the state and click the "Search" button, it will pull up all the Volksmarches in that state in alphabetic order by city or National Park, and will give the dates you can do the walks. Click on the city and Volksmarch you want to know more about and it will take you to a page with the information for that walk.

For more in-depth information about what Volksmarching is and how to get started:
On the home page, click on the "About Us" tab at the top of the page. From the drop down menu, choose "What We're About" and after you've read that, you can read "Let's Get Started." That will give you the basics.

Then take those first steps on a new adventure. See you on the trail?


  1. Congratulations on being published. I'll have to look for the magazine. Always enjoy your walks and the sights you photograph.

    1. Thank you, Steve and Joan. It was a nice surprise to have the first article I submitted accepted. Thankful that it wasn't a rejection letter or no response at all! (And I'm getting paid!)

  2. Congratulations. I'll read the article as soon as we get the magazine.

    Thanks to you, Susan, we have done several Volksmarches in different cities we have visited. Great exercise and a great way to see the sights of the area.

    1. Paul and Marsha, It just tickles me pink to think you are finding and enjoying the walks. I hope someday the four of us can do a walk together.

  3. Congrats on having a published article. I just looked up to see the closest group to where I live and it's not very close. Platte County, MO is quite a distance from Overland Park, KS. I do walk everyday though..with a partner from Texas so that will have to be my version of volkswalking.
    I am thoroughly on board that people should get out an exercise. It's really scary what inactive lifestyles are doing to our overall health in America.

    1. Thanks, Cheryl. Glad to hear you're out walking. It's a great form of exercise - fresh air, enjoying the sights, seeing flowers, etc. And doing it with a friend is great. I walk with my friend most of the time. Sometimes our husbands join us.

  4. Congratulations, Susan! I love walking, but haven't managed to track down Volksmarches. Someday when life slows down a bit, I can manage to find one. We do have some wonderful hiking opportunities around here, but I like the idea of Volksmarching in cities and towns to see the neighborhoods and local sites. I have so enjoyed reading about your walks over the years. Congrats again, you deserve it.

    1. When you're ready, you'll find them. In the meantime, enjoy your hiking. I love hiking too and go out as much as I can. I'll be in Oregon for the Volksmarch Columbia Gorge Hiking Weekend in mid June. Can't wait! They have it every other year. I went two years ago and can't wait to go back.

  5. Good for you! How neat you were able to share your passion with an audience that may just decide to do some Volksmarching!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you to you, the goddess of blogging. You write such a great blog and have lots of followers. You provide a public service to other RVers with your wonderful information. Kudos to you as well.

  6. Congratulations on getting published ... as a blog writer, it's a nice feeling to have that accomplishment.

  7. Congrats on the article, you inspire us to do more walking but certainly not to your level.

    1. Well,when I first started Volksmarching 20 years ago I didn't think I could walk a 5k (3.1 miles). But once I did it, it was not as hard as I thought it would be. Now we do 10k walks all the time and don't think anything of it. The longest hike I've done is about 13 miles. Now that was hard. My feet had blisters that lasted for days and my legs hurt so bad I barely walked the day after. Anyway, any walk starts with a few steps, then it's one foot in front of the other until you're done. The more interesting the walk, the easier it seems!

  8. We spent three years in Germany during the 1980's and went on a lot of volksmarches! We loved it and collected a lot of medals and memories. Great post

  9. Congratulations on being published,we're enjoying walking as much as we can.

    1. You guys do great. We enjoyed walking with you in Port Aransas.

  10. Congratulations on being published Susan. Really proud of you. I think your blog posts about Volksmarching have probably led quite a few people to give it a try,


Please let me know what you think, your experiences, and constructive criticism to make this blog stronger.