Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Bob is doing well - Tues., May 24, 2016

This morning, I dropped Bob off at the hospital at 9:00 a.m. and stayed with him until about 10:00 a.m. I then went home, showered, ate lunch, and headed out to my dental appointment.

As I was checking out of the dentist's office and setting up my next appointments (yes they found a cavity), my phone rang. Dr. Wright, Bob's cardiologist, was calling to let me know Bob was out of surgery, he was back in normal sinus rhythm, but his pulse was unusually low. He heard Bob runs marathons and wanted to know if a low pulse is normal for Bob. I told him yes it is. The doctor said he wouldn't worry about it. Dr. Wright said Bob would be in the recovery room for a couple of hours, then moved to the Cardiovascular Unit (CVU) when a bed was available.

I then dashed over for my massage at 2:30. The massage therapist decided only to do 1/2-hour massage today because he knew I had a lot on my mind. 

After a quick stop at the 5th wheel to pick up Bob's laptop for him, I stopped for supper at Mad Mack's Burger Company just down the street from the RV park. And, yes, I did have a cheat day with a burger and fries. It was soooo good. Now I'm back to salads, fish and smoothies.

Back at the hospital 45 minutes later, Bob was just waking up from his anesthesia at 5:00 p.m. The first thing he wanted was water because he was so thirsty. He had to be on bed rest until 8:30 p.m., so we chatted, watched TV and enjoyed each other's company. He ate dinner at 8:45 p.m.

At 10:00 p.m. visiting hours were over and I kissed him good night and headed home. My gas tank had been on empty since earlier in the afternoon so I knew I had to stop for gas. I'm glad I made it to a gas station before I ran out! About 10:30, I had a text from Bob saying he had been out of bed, walking around, used the bathroom, and was back in bed to read his new Wilbur Smith novel.

That's it for now. I'll try to catch up on some more blogs tomorrow. After I pick up Bob from the hospital, he wants to go to work in the afternoon. He's their accountant and payroll has to be done. He can't drive, so I will be driving him to and from work (30 minutes each way). Maybe I'll go see a movie near his work so I won't be making two, hour-long round trips.

That's all folks.


  1. This is great to hear Susan. Burgers are my evil comfort food too. Hope all continues to go well for you both.

    1. Hey, Sherry. At least I didn't go to DQ for my burger. I would have had a Blizzard too. Must. Stay. Away. from. Dairy. Queen!!!

  2. Good to hear that all went well with Bob's surgery.

    1. Thank you. He is home now and feeling great. I didn't have to drive him to the office, because he's working from the 5er today. Yay.

  3. Thanks sonics for the update. So good to read about Bob. Prayers for continued healing.

    1. Don't you love spell checker? I cracked up when I read this. Did you mean to say "Susan." I can hear it now, my new nickname will be Super Sonic Susan. LOL.

      Thank you for the prayers. Bob is napping now, so I think his body is working on healing.

  4. I can't believe he wants to go to work after his surgery, but I guess that is the spirit.


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