Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Sick of two-party presidential system - Wed., Aug. 3, 2016

Tonight we are going to watch CNN Town Hall: Libertarian Party. Anderson Cooper will moderate a conversation with the Libertarian Presidential and VP candidates: Gary Johnson and William Weld, both former Republican governors. Hopefully they will have something different to say and are not in the corrupt political fray. Just sayin'. Might be worth your while to watch too.

Let's see if they bring some common sense and reason into this election. Our minds are open. Are yours?
Photo from our cruise last fall


  1. Actually I am quite happy with Hillary. I believe (and many recent in depth articles discuss this) that she is basically an honest person that has been falsely accused of many, many things over the decades she has been in office by folks who simply want her to fail. Just like your watching the CNN town hall this evening, we all need to do our research and not just rely on media sound bites...and one single source of information about the candidates. There is a lot of well researched information on the internet, we just need to search for it and READ it and become INFORMED!! ;-)

  2. I will be taping it so I can go back at watch it at a quite time when I don't have interruptions.
    I am hopeful that this is a reasonable discussion. I am soooo very disappointed with the shit show that the Democrats and Republicans have made out of this election.

  3. The truth is whether we like it or not, we cannot take even the slightest risk that Trump will get elected because we vote for a third party Green or a Libertarian. The prospect is terrifying. I do think Lisa is right in that independent fact checkers have found Hilary is actually very honest. I'm not crazy about all her policies but am sure I can live with 4 years of her much more safely.

  4. I guess you could say that we are lucky with our political system in Canada. First we occasionally hear things about our politicians but nothing compared to the U.S.. When we have a major election it is over within two months. With five political parties plus independents running for a seat you tend to have a voice that will better represent you. Finally the party with the most seats determines who the Prime Minister of the country or the Premier of the province is going to be. Nobody ever gets impeached but if they can get a vote of non-confidence which triggers another election.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  5. I think both major political parties have failed us once again and provided us with horrible choices. I'm so sick of people posting on Facebook. It is just sad that the best America has to choose from are Hillary and Donald.

  6. I wanted to vote the Green party candidate, but she is not on the ballot in SD where I'm registered. I think I might not vote at all.


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