Monday, April 17, 2017

Meet Beauty - Mon., Apr. 17, 2017

The time has come to introduce Beauty, our "new" 2012, Ford F350 pickup. Our Beast was a 2000 F350, so we're getting a newer, more technologically advanced model. It even has dual temperature controls and seat heaters/air conditioners.

We bought Beauty last Thursday evening and are very happy.

Left to right: The Escape Pod, Rigamarole, and Beauty

Beauty and Rigamarole
Our insurance has still not paid us for Beast and they are dragging their feet, even calling Bob to ask him how he got home from work the day it was stolen. (I picked him up.) Not only did they call Bob, they called his subordinate and asked him the same question!! What does how Bob got home from work have to do with our truck being stolen??? It's been over three weeks and they were supposed to get back to us in two weeks. Grr!

On a lighter note, about one week after Bob's truck was stolen, our insurance company called to tell us they had been notified by the Converse police that our truck had been recovered. Bob was so excited. He hadn't heard a word about it. He called the Converse police and asked them about his truck being recovered. They looked up the case # and told Bob they only recovered the license plates. Bob got right back on the phone to the insurance company and told them they needed to change their records because only the license plates were recovered! It was a bittersweet laugh that we choked out. The whole truck would have been better.

Anyway, now we need a 5th wheel hitch (which will be put in on 4/28/17) and then we leave on our two-week vacation around the Southeastern United States on 4/29/17. That's cutting it close!

Can't wait to get on the road again!

Travel Bug out.


  1. Now that's seriously bad customer service. Who is your insurance company. I hope it isn't Geico. Very nice looking new truck but tough circumstances to get it in. I hope you don't have the problem I had when someone hit me and totaled my car. Their insurance company AIG refused to give me enough money to even replace my car with the same year and model.

  2. A new truck, even under the circumstances, is exciting.

    1. We loved our beast; however, the 2012 truck is a nice upgrade. We'll see how it does pulling our 5th wheel.

  3. Well, the circumstances are just awful, but you guys are going to enjoy your trip with the Beast, and Rigamarole.

    Can't wait to see where all you go, and what you find!


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