Monday, December 25, 2023

Cruise Day 3 - Christmas at Sea - Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas from Down Under! Today, we spent time on the Tasman Sea from Sydney to Melbourne, Australia. That sounds so foreign! The weather was 68 degrees and cloudy.

The Windows Main Dining Room was where we had breakfast. This restaurant, designed in the manner of a grand sailing ship, is all about white linens, crystal chandeliers, and a host of wait staff. 

I tried a menu item I had never heard of: shakshuka. The waiter described it as two poached eggs served atop a tomato-based sauce with sauteed onions and bell peppers. It was delectable. This will be a new breakfast choice for us. I will have to find a good recipe!

Shakshuka for breakfast.

We avoided the Christmas mayhem: Christmas Day Parade (in pajamas), Christmas Gift Giving with Santa Claus, and the Family Christmas Extravaganza. I bet the kids and their families had a field day.

Today was a mellow day for us. Time was spent eating, and relaxing in our room (viewing Australia's southeastern coastline from our balcony, napping, and reading). We also walked around the inside decks on four floors in the afternoon. Many people had decorated their stateroom doors for Christmas. Very fun.

A classic Christmas dinner was served in the Windows Main Dining Room. We went at 5:30 pm to avoid large crowds later. The meal was excellent and we did not go hungry. As expected, we had turkey, bread stuffing, mashed sweet potatoes, rolls, green beans, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert. Other options were included on the menu, but turkey sounded the best.

Christmas dinner in the 
Windows Main Dining Room.

Tasman Sea off the southeastern coast
of Australia.

Tasman Sea off the southeastern coast
of Australia.

In the Bass Strait between Australia and 
Tasmania. I don't know what the buildings are.

At 9 pm, we saw "The Spirit of Christmas" show in the Stardust Theater. Their singers and dancers performed a mix of Christmas tunes. We enjoyed it.

When the above-mentioned show ended, we headed to the Spinnaker Lounge for a night of drinking and dancing called "The Naughty or Nice Christmas Party." We had a couple of drinks and danced once. The band only played for 45 minutes!

Dressed up for the "Naughty or Nice
Christmas Party." Tonight, I wore
flat shoes to dance on a moving ship!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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