Sunday, September 13, 2015

A Walk in the City and A Walk in the Woods - Sun., Sep. 13, 2015

Today is a day about walking. It was a blessed 65 degrees this morning when we left our 5th wheel! That meant we could start our churches 10k Volksmarch through downtown San Antonio at 8:00 am instead of 7:00 am. Bob and Darren accompanied Susan and I this morning. We met at the Holiday Inn on Cesar Chavez, the start point for this year-round Volksmarch.

As we started out, all of us were praising the cooler temperature. The churches walk took us past at least ten churches, all of them historic. Plus we walked a little of the River Walk on our way to the finish point. It's interesting to see the city from different perspectives. Normally when we walk downtown we're on the River Walk, but this walk took us on city streets for 90% of the walk.

San Francesco di Paola Catholic Church
Detail above door at San Francesco di Paola Catholic Church
Beautiful window at San Francesco di Paola Catholic Church
Cruising around the city streets we found interesting murals and scenes. Since Susan and I hang around together all the time, we playfully refer to ourselves as "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" from Dr. Seuss books. When we saw the mural below, we had to interact with it!

Susan and Susan (Thing 1 and Thing 2)
The guys got in on it too.
Just down and over a couple of streets, we found this set of three disparate murals grouped together...
Overlooking the parking lot of the Bond 007 Rock Bar
Hipster giraffes
Susan ID'd this as from "A Clockwork Orange."
With the San Antonio River and River Walk running throughout downtown, there are lots of different bridges, many built a long time ago.

Convent Street Bridge, 1929
Convent Street Bridge
View of River Walk from Convent St. Bridge
A bridge from 1890 made by the
Berlin Iron Bridge Co. of East Berlin, Connecticut
Detail of bridge post

Okay, so churches weren't the only thing we saw this morning.

San Antonio Central Library (award-winning design)
Hotel Havana

Hotel Havana
Fire Station #1 with beautiful concrete work
Hannibal Pianta concrete work on the
(now) AT&T building downtown
Tobin Center for the Performing Arts
Scottish Rite Cathedral
As we came up to the convention center, we saw banners for two conventions going on this weekend. This seems like a bizarre juxtaposition of themes. And, yes, we did see people in costumes for the past few days. A few Bob and I saw included Wonder Woman, Superwoman, Batman, Loki, and Darth Vader.

Alamo City Comic Con and Bridal Extravaganza
Concrete decor on the Empire Theater
Grasses along the River Walk
Flood control dam on the San Antonio River Walk
Bill Miller BBQ Sauce tower with a big straw.
The walk was finished and we were hungry, so we had a buffet breakfast at the Holiday Inn where our Volksmarch starts. Then we were off to see "A Walk in the Woods" with Robert Redford and Nick Nolte.

Movie Review: "A Walk in the Woods"

Funny, funny movie about two old codgers who decide to walk the Appalachian Trail. Mishaps and missteps abound. We laughed a lot. The movie isn't terribly profound but that's okay. Robert Redford and Nick Nolte play off each other well and there are lots of jokes about getting old. The scenery is beautiful as they walk through Georgia, the Carolinas and Virginia. All four of us enjoyed the movie. 3-1/2 stars.

P.S. Bob came up with today's blog title. I thought it was clever considering what we did today.

Travel Bug out.


  1. I've read the book but it sounds like the movie probably veered off a bit. What a great walk but all that pavement would hurt my feet and knees si I'd have to do it in two segments. Love the murals!!

    1. We didn't read the book, so we had no pre-conceived notions. Was the book good?

  2. Replies
    1. San Antonio has a lot of diversity, for sure. We're enjoying it while we're here.


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