Sunday, September 13, 2015

International Accordion Festival - Sat., Sept. 12, 2015

Saturday morning, Bob was up early to run five miles for his marathon training. Another camper in the RV park is in training too, so she and Bob go to training runs together. They ran on the northwest side of San Antonio by The Dominion. Today, there was a shoe company there letting runners try out new running shoes. Bob tried a pair and liked them well enough.

I worked Saturday. At the end of the work day, Bob and I took the bus into downtown San Antonio to the International Accordion Festival. Bob was under the impression we'd be hearing German polka music. Not so.

We had dinner at a sports bar then walked next door to the Arneson Theater to hear a band that was part of the accordion festival schedule. Cedryl Ballou and the Zydeco Trendsetters was playing. I fell in love; they were so good!! We were standing listening to them and I couldn't keep my feet still. Happy music, happy feet moved to the beat. This band IS the life of a party.

Cedryl Ballou and the Zydeco Trendsetters
Cedryl Ballou and the Zydeco Trendsetters
Arneson Theater was packed
River boat dinner tour heard part of the concert
They played in the audience too!
Playing washboard with spoons

Arneson Theater is beautiful at night

We knew there was another stage in La Villita's Plaza, so we walked there to listen to another band: Dakha Brakha. Their music was completely different! Bob thought they were from China; I guessed the Steppes of Mongolia. We were both wrong; a guy with a schedule told us they were from the Ukraine.

Dakha Brakha played drums, accordion and a stringed instrument

Lots of drums
Dakha Brakha's music was interesting but we loved the zydeco band and went back to watch them until the end of the evening. Then we rode the bus home. Very entertaining evening.

Travel Bug out.


  1. Interesting, I'll have to see if there's one up our way.

    1. The festival was from noon to 10 p.m. I had to work until 6 pm, then the bus to take us downtown was quite late. By the time we had dinner, it was almost 8 p.m. before we started listening to music. Next year we'll try to spend more time at the festival.

  2. What wonderful fun! A few polkas would have been good too.

  3. Neat! Both bands sound unique and fun...just the kind of interesting music we like to find in our travels!


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