Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025
Cliff jumper, South Point, Na'alehu, Big Island - Monday, March 10, 2025

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Breaking My Blog Dry Spell - Saturday, May 20, 2023

Sorry to say, I have been remiss in writing my blogs in a timely manner! Today, I am breaking my dry spell.

For the first time in a couple of months, Bob and I did a 5 km Volksmarch, this time in the Brook Hollow neighborhood of San Antonio. Many thanks to the Texas Wanderers Volksmarch Club for setting up this walk today. We always think of this walk as the "deer walk" because we see multiple deer each time. Today was no exception.

For the past few days/nights, we have had massive thunder and lightning storms in San Antonio with pouring rain. This will help ease our extreme drought situation. In addition, it has moderated our temperatures from the 90s into the mid-60s in the mornings and the high 70s during the day. This morning's walk was perfect. The rain stopped before the walk, the clouds remained, and we had a very nice 68-74 degree walk this morning.

In addition, springtime is still with us and we saw quite a few flowers along the way.

A pretty Texas-landscape mailbox.

Metal yard art.

This deer posed beautifully for the photo.

These deer live in the neighborhood and hang out
in people's yards.

Butterfly Bush, Pride of Barbados, and Salvia.

Bob pointed out the name of the business:
Tree Musketeers. Pretty clever, eh?

Texas Sage, Purple Sage, Texas Ranger,
Silverleaf, or Texas Barometer Bush
(Leucophyllum frutescens).

As we walked along looking at the houses, flowers, and deer, we almost missed the fawn curled up next to a tree. It was right next to the curb!

Adorable fawn!
These two deer were nicely framed.

A pretty home on a big lot.

Desert Bird of Paradise (Caesalpinia gilliesii),
AKA Poinciana.

Coming toward us were Pat Gunter and her friend. She was thrilled to see us out and about. We had a nice chat. I told them to look for the fawn on when they got up the hill.
Pride of Barbados.

This yard had all colors of Salvia blooming.


Andy Thomas caught up with us and we walked and talked with him for a while until he went a different way on the 10 km route.

Andy Thomas and Bob.

Andy Thomas and Bob.

Just after Andy left us, Wayne Henry came by. I don't know how many kilometers he's doing today. Usually, he does at least 20 km.

Bob and Wayne Henry - 
coming and going.

All we had to do to finish the walk was go back to Brook Hollow Blvd., turn left, go about 1/2 mile, and return to our car. I shopped at the H-E-B grocery store at the end of our walk. Bob stayed in the car and napped. He gets tired easily, which is to be expected a month after triple-bypass surgery. While I was in the store, I met up with Audrey Ve and we chatted for a bit.

It was a lovely day to get back into our walking routine. Bob did very well on his first 5 km (3.1 miles) after surgery.

Other than that, it's been a quiet day, so I took this opportunity to write. I already have most of my blog done for Gila Cliff Dwellings Volksmarch from the New Mexico walking weekend I did with Susan Medlin in April. Look for that blog soon.

Travel Bug out.