The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024
The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Us, Story of

Kerrville, Texas:
This is the story of us--Bob and Susan.

The Willamette Week ad read, "Hank Rearden type seeks Dagny Taggart type to help find Atlantis." The author is Ayn Rand and the book "Atlas Shrugged."

I was married twice before, had a baby from my second marriage, and swore off men after my second divorce. Swearing off men lasted about 18 months. It was time to date again. Bars were no use, I didn't want to marry a cheater or drinker. 

Plan B: local newspaper personal ads (this was before the internet). I don't know why I didn't think I'd find cheaters or drinkers in newspaper ads as opposed to bars. My success was much greater. I met super nice guys but didn't hit it off with any of them. They would make good friends, but I wanted a deeper relationship.

Until, that is, I saw Bob's ad (above). I thought, "HE sounds like the man I'm looking for." At the time, I was reading "Atlas Shrugged" for the second time. I sent off a letter in response to the ad. He called me a few days later. Our phone conversation went like this:

"Hi, I'm Bob. You responded to my ad in Willamette Week. Tell me more about yourself."

I responded by telling him I'm an independent thinker, a rebel, a mother who works full time, who enjoys dancing, hiking, playing cards, reading, photography.

He then brought out his list of interview questions:
  • What kind of music do you like? 
  • Who are your favorite bands? 
  • What movies do you like? 
  • What kind of food do you like? 
  • What kind of work do you do?
  • What are your favorite books?
After I answered all his inquiries, he said, "I'd like to take you out."

I said, "Hey, wait a minute! I don't know anything about you," and proceeded to ask him questions about himself. He was an accountant, had a son, was divorced. We enjoyed dancing, the same music and books, but his movie-going interest wasn't as strong as mine.

He invited me to dinner and because I felt so good about him, he was the only guy I let pick me up at my apartment. (Other guys had to meet me in a public place like a restaurant.)

My apartment was ground level with a parking spot in front of my door. I had a security peak hole in my door. When Bob came to pick me up, I watched him get out of his car through the peak hole in the door. Handsome!! When he knocked at the door, I threw it open and enthusiastically said, "Hi!" 

We went to a Mexican restaurant and hit it off immediately. I couldn't believe he knew the name of my perfume as it was his favorite. He also loved the blue sundress I was wearing. He thought I was pretty good looking. We jabbered on at dinner, enjoying our conversation.

After dinner we went dancing at a rock 'n' roll club. Very fun!

One week later he moved in with me; one month later we bought a house together. He did not want to get married again, I did. I say I had the last laugh at that time because our house mortgage was 30 years...many people don't stay married that long. 

Seven years later in front of families, co-workers and friends, we married in a small ceremony. (I'm a patient woman. LOL.) At our reception, we had a TV and chairs set up to watch the Portland Trailblazers in a play-off game. Yes, Bob is an avid basketball fan.

Bob and I each have one son from a previous marriage who are four years apart. Our blended family worked well most of the time and had the usual child-rearing controversies, but overall everyone seems to have turned out well.

Flash forward 29 years. Bob and I are more in love now than we were then (even living in our 5th wheel trailer -- about 320 sf).

Now you're up-to-date and Bob is unwinding in the easy chair.


  1. 29 years? Wow, that's great! It sounds to me like you guys are really doing well together. That's very cool. Dancing at a rock club...hmmm, that would be in about '82, so I suspect it was 70's and early 80's hair bands. lol I am glad all is well for you two.

  2. I LOVE how you met. What an interesting story!

  3. Love hearing meet-up stories. Nancy and I met through the ads as well but it was a telephone message ad service called the Portland Exchange.

    Who says it doesn't pay to advertise?!

  4. Oh I LOVE this story!! Fabulous to meet other Ayn Rand fans. Congrats on 29 years together!

    1. Nina,
      Thank you. Bob is still patting himself on the back for this ad. LOL.



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