The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024
The Coquihalla River in Hope, British Columbia - Monday, July 22, 2024

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Beautiful Oregon - Sat., May 24

Bob and  I had lunch at Taco Cabana in San Antonio before he whisked me to the airport for my flight to Portland via Phoenix.

Made it to Portland safe and sound despite really rough descent into Phoenix, Arizona. The rest of the flight was good. Had an amazing view of snow-covered Mt. Hood out the plane window. It looked so close!

Tried to hook up my laptop to Mom's cable. Couldn't get it to work, so no photos. As soon as I figure out how to connect I can add some pics.

My sister and mom picked me up from the airport. Mom had dinner waiting when we got to her house - chicken, potatoes, brussel sprouts, and fresh strawberry shortcake for dessert. The weather was gorgeous so we ate at her patio table overlooking the golf course.

Where we eat overlooking the golf course.
After dinner, all three of us went to Sherwood and did a three-mile walk. 

Mom's peonies - gigantic!
Huge peony flower.
 On our Sherwood walk, we spotted this nutria.

Nutria - large rodent.
Blooming honeysuckle
Pink dogwoods.
Mom and Jan on the trail.
Tomorrow Mom and I are driving to Lake Arrowhead, Washington, to spend the day with Frank and Gina (brother and sis-in-law) at their lot. Looking forward to spending time with everyone. Frank will be making hamburgers for lunch. We're bringing potato chips and dip, a veggie tray and brownies.

I better get some sleep!

Travel Bug out.


  1. Say hello to beautiful Oregon for me. Love that area!

  2. Dang! Looking forward to pics! Don't you just hate it when that happens, though it sounds like you're having fun.

  3. We'll be in beautiful Oregon in a couple weeks for a few weeks of scenery and chowder.


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